Both men and women routinely seek liposuction for stubborn fatty deposits that have not responded to dietary restrictions or increased exercise. Although this procedure is not an answer for losing lots of weight, it is helpful for getting rid of bumps.
Both men and women routinely seek liposuction for stubborn fatty deposits that have not responded to dietary restrictions or increased exercise. Although this procedure is not an answer for losing lots of weight,

it is helpful for getting rid of bulges and bumps. Lipo was invented by an Italian physician in the nineteen-seventies. The original methods were more primitive but as time has marched on, the newer techniques have become quite effective.
If a man or woman is overweight, he or she will need to lose weight and tone up before scheduling an appointment with the plastic surgeon. A healthy diet should be adhered to which includes lean proteins, fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits, whole grains and plenty of water. Examples of lean proteins include tofu, grilled fish or poultry, and legumes. It’s always best to eat the veggies and fruit that are currently in season because they will be fresher, at their peak ripeness and vitamin packed. Seasonal produce also costs less because it’s available in abundance. Whole grains should be included in bread, tortillas, crackers and rice. It’s wise to stay away from refined white flour and steer the menu towards grainy oats, rye, whole wheat and brown rice. Legumes include dried peas, beans, and nuts. Each can be cooked into a variety of soups, stews and main dishes.
An exercise routine should also be incorporated into one’s daily schedule for increasing tone and muscle mass. It’s helpful to choose exercises that are enjoyable so that the men or women will keep at it. Bowling, dancing, hiking, yoga, weight lifting and walking around the block are just a few ways to incorporate exercise into a person’s lifestyle. These activities will amp up the social calendar and quality of life, as well.
Some of the more common regions for men to have liposuction performed are on the buttocks, abdomen, and love handle region. Some facial techniques are often sought to reduce bulging chins or cheeks, as well. If a male has protruding pads of fat on his chest, he may desire removal of these fatty deposits. Female looking breasts on a male may be due to adipose tissue, hormonal disturbance or an array of other issues. The term for this condition is gynecomastia and is derived from a Greek translation of words meaning “female-like breasts.”
Some areas on female bodies where liposuction is often desired are the hips, buttocks, belly, upper thighs, upper arms and certain facial regions such as chin and cheeks. Exactly where these adipose deposits accumulate on a body often has to do with an individual’s genetic predisposition. If grandmas and aunts had large hips or tummies, chances are good that the following generations will have them, too.
A liposuction procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon in a hospital or clinical setting. A slender medical tool called a cannula is inserted into tiny incisions in order to suction away the fat. In some procedures, a tumescent fluid is injected in order to make the fat removal more effective. Compression garments are often worn for a number of weeks following surgery to aid in healing. Healthy diet and exercise routines must be maintained post-op in order to keep the slender new appearance.