Liposuction: Learn the Most Common Problem Areas
If you want to remove fat from your body, you may be thinking about getting liposuction. First, you should learn the areas that most people have problems with, and find out if these trouble spots are the same as your own.
You may see liposuction simply as a way to get rid of fat on your body,

but some patients are very specific about the areas they want to improve with this procedure. Fortunately, that is exactly what it is for. It will not get rid of more than a few pounds from your body, so using it as a way to lose weight is not a good idea. However, if you are otherwise in shape but have a few problem areas, this is a perfect way to spot reduce. Exercising and dieting do not have the ability to spot reduce, which is why many patients choose this option to get rid of the flab on a few particular areas.
One issue that many women have is excess flab just under their bra. You might not think about this problem until you look in a mirror and notice fat coming out from above and below the bra strap. Even loosening the strap does not usually help much. Unless you plan to do frequent back workouts to target the area, coupled with wearing very loose bras and shirts, you cannot get rid of the issue without some surgical help. Liposuction is often the perfect choice here since you can simply get the flab suctioned off, leaving you with a back that automatically looks more toned, without extra fat taking away from your overall look.
Another area that many people commonly want taken care of with liposuction is the inner thighs. If you are tired of your legs rubbing together, even after losing weight, you should consider this surgery. You may even suffer from rashes on your legs when you wear a dress or skirt, causing you to be in pain and have embarrassing red marks in the area. To avoid these issues, look into having some of your excess fat removed through this procedure. Just tell your doctor that you are interested in this option, just as many women are.
Lots of patients, women in particular, notice that they have what seems like wings when they wave their arm. This is often called a bat wing, in which the flab under your arms continues jiggling a few seconds after you are done waving. If this embarrasses you, you are not alone, as many patients use liposuction to get rid of the problem. Tell your surgeon that you want to eliminate the issue with surgery, leaving you with arms that look more toned and do not continue waving long after you have stopped moving.
The best thing to do is attend an initial consultation with a doctor before deciding whether to get this procedure done. It may turn out that another surgery altogether is best for you. For example, if you want to get excess tissue removed from your stomach, a tummy tuck may be better. If you need breast tissue removed from your chest, then breast reduction surgery may be best, though this often also uses liposuction to shape the new bust. Your doctor should let you know what your options are to improve your look.