Liposuction: Where Is It Effective?
When it comes to liposuction, most people have more questions than answers. Even in the age of information, it’s easy to get confused. If you’re wondering if the procedure can tune up that problem area, here are some of the most effective places.
When it comes to liposuction,

most people have more questions than answers. Even in the age of information, it’s easy to get confused. Truly, it’s easier than ever, when you consider the amount of misinformation out there. One of the biggest misunderstandings people have is in trying to figure out exactly where they can have the procedure done. This is best answered in a one-on-one consultation with a doctor. Of course, it only makes sense to gather as much information as possible before making an appointment. At least then you’ll know what questions to ask. Here are some of the areas of the body where the operation is most effective.
The Midsection
For men, the midsection is the most common area to need help. You can do sit-ups until the cows come home, and it still may not make any difference. When the problem is pockets of stubborn fat, a localized exercise isn’t going to change anything. You’re building up your stomach muscles, but unless they can be seen through the fat, no one will know but you. Getting rid of that fat through liposuction will let the abs below shine through and will change the way you look completely. If, however, there is a substantial amount of loose skin, an abdominoplasty may give you the results you want.
The Chin
Fat tends to accumulate under the chin, even on those people who are thin everywhere else. Take a close look at your friends or even some of the older Hollywood actors. They may have a body that looks as though they only eat three carrots a day, and yet still have to battle a small double chin. This is especially frustrating because this small amount of fat can make such a difference in the way your face looks. Liposuction can definitely help in these instances, especially when the patient is at or near their ideal weight.
The Rear and Thighs
If the abdominal area is one of the most troublesome places for a man, the rear end and thighs would be the equivalent on a woman. This is simply due to the different ways men and women typically store fat in their bodies. Again, you can get in the gym and do squats until your quadriceps burn and it may not make any difference at all. You can’t “tighten up” fat. It’s either there or it isn’t. If you’ve done everything you can do in terms of cardio and dieting, liposuction may be your best bet.
Of course, just because your problem area isn’t mentioned above doesn’t mean you aren’t a candidate for liposuction. Procedures have been done to just about every part of the body imaginable, including the arms and the calves. Whatever your problem is, talk to a good plastic surgeon and see if there is something that can be done.