People from Mediterranean countries such as Greece or Italy have a smaller risk of heart disease and enjoy longer lives, studies have repeatedly showed. Researchers wondered what is the reason for the better health of the Mediterranean people.
Dieticians have found similarities between the diets, level of cholesterol, and heart disease frequency of the populations around the Mediterranean Sea.
The Mediterranean diet is characterized by an emphasis on vegetables, fruits, bread, potatoes, beans, nuts, and seeds. The olive oil is the source of monosaturated fats. The poultry and red meat consumption is limited.
Eggs are allowed for a maximum of four times per week, and wine should be consumed in moderate amounts.
The main meals should be based especially on vegetables. The foods allowed include cereals, pasta, and bread. The food should be fresh, not chemically processed. More flavor can be added to the meals with garlic, onion, oregano, sweet-basil, or savory.
Dieters need to eat fish or seafood at least two times per week. Cheese products and yogurt should be consumed daily because they contain certain bacteria that activates digestion. Extra-virgin olive oil must be used for cooking instead of unhealthy fats.
Corn flower, tomatoes, and fresh peppers are also allowed by the Mediterranean diet. Chicken meat should be consumed once per week or even more seldom, while red meat is allowed only a few times per month. To read the rest of this article, go to Project Weight Loss, an online weight loss community featuring calorie counter, carbs counter, BMI calculator, diet planner, workout planner and other weight loss tools.
(c) Project Weight Loss 2007. All rights reserved.
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