Lower Back Pain Treatment - Why Suffer?
Lower Back Pain Treatment - When you've had enough of suffering, here is where you can learn to manage your lower back pain and prevent future problems...
Lower back pain treatment - If you've ever had to live with chronic low back pain,

you KNOW how annoying it can be. It seems to permeate and affect every second of your day - and night! You can't sit still without feeling it, you can't move around without feeling it...until you get healthy again, life becomes a torment.Fortunately, lower back pain treatment options DO exist and you've come to the right place.There are many possible causes...before starting any sort of home treatment for severe back pain relief, you should pay a visit to your local medical professional to be certain you don't have something like - degenerative disc disease, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, scoliosis, sclerosis, sciatica, or one of the other nerve or spinal cord disorders.Yes, I know that's a scary sounding list but the good news is that for the most part, it is treatable without surgery. Your problem is usually caused by something more mundane like a simple muscle strain or sprain. Assuming you don't have some sort of spine injury, you will mostly be treating yourself by concentrating on pain management and relief until the muscle disorder heals itself.There are a number of over the counter medications that you can take, especially if the lower backache has just begun. These medications include:Tylenol and generic acetaminophen medicationsNSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen (Motrin) or Naprosyn (naproxen)Try using hot and cold packs to alternately apply heat and cold to the lower back to help relieve pain naturally.Then, to keep the chronic discomfort from returning, you should ensure that your stomach and back muscles are in good shape and strong. To improve your back and abdominal muscles takes only a few minutes per day - of the right back exercises - and the cause vs. effect benefits are completely out of proportion to the investment of time and effort.Keeping your core muscles strong is the best way to ensure that you don't suffer from lower back discomfort, and you can help prevent further injury by muscle stretching exercise and strengthening both your back and stomach muscles.Without doubt exercise is the best preventative treatment option for lower back pain relief available.Many people believe bed rest is the option for lower back pain treatment; however that is a common misconception. Remaining active is better to help you relieve any aches you may experience. Being active allows your muscles to loosen up and relax. You will return to full normal health much faster than through bed rest.Staying in bed for too long can lead to sore and stiff muscles, when your muscles tighten up, it will increase the pain in your back. It can lead to more serious issues, such as weak muscles or stiff joints.If you must rest as part of your lower back pain treatment, make sure to lie on your side and place a pillow in between your legs. You can also place a pillow beneath your knees as you lie on your back on the floor.There are a variety of treatments so, again - always call a doctor and follow his/her recommendation as to what treatment options are the best to reduce your lower back pain.For those who have lived with acute pain for more than three months, more intensive treatment is recommended to ensure the full recovery of the back. Physical training and therapy, acupuncture, all can be combined into an effective treatment system.Few people who experience symptoms will actually require surgery... for the most part, lower back pain treatment is handled through simple therapy, physical training, and visits to your chiropractor.