Magnet Therapy as a Effective Treatment for Diseases.

Jul 17


Michel De Silva

Michel De Silva

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In today's world, stronger medicines - antibiotics, steroid preparations and hormonal condensates - are pumped into the human systems-.-in- the name of breakthrough in medicine which not only produce ugly side-effects but also lead to harmful suppression of the original disease in its simpler form.


The nineteenth century witnessed the barbarous use of leeches,Magnet Therapy as a Effective Treatment for Diseases. Articles acids, alkalis, and strong potions which often caused untold harm to the patient more than the original malady. The modern age has seen the use of ointments, douches, nasal drops, throat paints, cough suppressants, ear and eye drops, sinus punctures and radium-therapy. These local applications are based on the assumption that some of the constitutional manifestations like eczema and ear discharges are but only local phenomena and, therefore, do not merit deep consideration in the matter of treatment. It is a matter of observation by any sincere and conscientious physician that in a child suffering from a thick green ear discharge, it is wiser to let the trouble alone than to tamper with it through local douches and washes. Its suppression leads to such a terrible internal turmoil that the child suffers pitifully and is ultimately forced to .phthisis. Dr Hering, one of the greatest medical scientists of our time, discovered the laws of cure by studying the natural direction of the flow of the disease forces in human beings. Thus, Hering's laws of cure, as they are known, consider a disease as a subtle force which deranges the vital force of an organism, and suggest that the natural direction of the flow of disease force is from outer to inner and the right course, of disease cure is to direct the disease force from within to without. Similarly, the laws stipulate that the disease in the process of cure travels from above downwards and its symptoms return, during the course of medication, in the reverse order of their appearance in the natural disease form

The first law can be verified by observing the natural reaction of the body to the assault of the morbid force of measles. After a few days, the body, in its wisdom, throws the disease force onto the skin in the form of eruptions as the skin is the safest part, or else vital organs like lungs, heart or liver may be harmfully affected. We also know that the more abundant the eruptions, the safer it is for the patient as it saves him from the internal turmoil. Any attempt to reverse the natural direction of the disease proves to be detrimental to the patient and is not the right course of treatment. The reversal of the direction of the disease force is suppression. All physicians, at one time or another during their practice. have encountered the phenomenon of metastasis - change in the nature and seat of the original disease - like the involvement of the heart in the event of mismanagement of gout, flight of disease to meanings on the suppression of syphilitic ulcer, and chronic arthritis following the suppression of excessive menses in women.

We can, therefore, conclude from the foregoing discussion that the rational concept of cure is to treat in consonance with the natural laws, to use such remedial agents .as to exercise the subtle. natural force matching with the subtle disease force and to bring about cure in a simple, gentle and permanent manner.

Extending the above logic to the art of healing through magnets, it could be argued that the therapy satisfies all the scientific criteria of a rational cure. Firstly, the magnet works on the natural law of magnetism; it is a natural subtle force with healing properties. Secondly, the magnetic application cannot be considered as a local application like an ointment. as it affects the whole organism and not just the part on which it is laid. Once the magnetic equilibrium is re-established between various organs and functional processes, the cure effected is of a permanent nature and not short-lived unlike in most superficial remedial agents. However, in certain neglected and advanced incurable cases like those of ankylosing spondylitis, the magnet brings the desired succour by way of relief in pain, stiffness and swelling. It has been verified in clinical practice that the disease once cured through magnets does not return, though in some rare cases mild exacerbations may recur due to sudden emotional, climatic and dietetic irregularities. But these can be tackled with a few additional sittings with magnets. Thirdly, a magnet offers itself as one of the simplest medicinal tools hitherto discovered or invented by man. The method of application is easy - even a layman can use it in any disease - and the action of the magnet is so gentle that most persons do not perceive any sensation, while some sensitive patients only feel a tingling sensation. It is a boon in the treatment of children who are scared to death by bitter medicines and frightening injections. No harmful side. effects have been noticed or reported, though certain pleasant side-effects have been reported by a number of magnetotherapists from many countries. Finally, it could be emphatically asserted by any healer of this system that the application does not provoke any other diseases or complications. Hence it is safe in any disease.

Thus, we have a simple, safe, gentle and potent curative agent in a magnet which can provide a rational answer to the problems of diseases which have plagued mankind through the centuries.