Making The Flu A Short Story With A Happy Ending
Could it be that the best way to handle the flu is to avoid it altogether by getting a vaccine? Absolutely avoiding a seasonal viral disease is very possible with a vaccine. The flu has been known to be debilitating to some and down right dangerous for others and the numbers show that more than ever before, people are getting vaccinated. In fact, two thirds of the U.S. adults will get vaccinations this year and this definitely decreases the odds of getting the virus less and less.
Could it be that the best way to handle the flu is to avoid it altogether by getting a vaccine? Absolutely avoiding a seasonal viral disease is very possible with a vaccine. The flu has been known to be debilitating to some and down right dangerous for others and the numbers show that more than ever before,

people are getting vaccinated. In fact, two thirds of the U.S. adults will get vaccinations this year and this definitely decreases the odds of getting the virus less and less.
This jump in vaccination numbers can be attributed to the ease and convenience that is associated with the vaccines. Due to the increase of many new businesses offering the flu shots to their customers, the waiting time most likely is never an issue, nor is the cost. Past episodes of the flu shots dealt with trouble for people who were allergic to eggs, but this is a new vaccine day. It is still safe to consult your physician to see if you are allergic to eggs, but the issues of the past are non existent now.
Avoiding sickness, can often be as easy as avoiding flu germs from the obvious sources and using soap and water frequently for hand washing. Some people will be visibly sick and easy to steer clear of, but you should also take extra measures to protect your children. In a school setting this can be extra tough. Some parents will send their sick kids to school to avoid missing a day's work. Use a little common sense and stay home if possible and take crowded stops off your daily routine.
A good giveaway to anyone trying to avoid flu germs is someone that is coughing and this can be very contagious. Coughing spreads germs everywhere in unseen ways. They get airborne and carried by air movements to greater distances as well as contaminate the hands when they cover the mouth. Simple staying away and avoiding anyone who is coughing is the best and safest policy to limit your exposure to the flu virus. Keep your hand sanitizer hand and used often. Children will need to be reminded to keep their fingers out of the mouth and eyes. This will go along way in keeping them flu free.
If you do get the Flu or have a cold to deal with there are some over the counter remedies to at least make you feel more comfortable. Keep in mind that pretty much anything that you can get to take will simply make the symptoms easier to bear as opposed to actually fighting the illness. That is where a doctor's prescription comes in. There are some excellent prescriptions that will shorten the life of the cold or Flu that you are suffering and get you back on your feet sooner.