Fine lines and wrinkles are a part of aging, but there are things that can be done to delay the rate at which they appear and make them less noticeable.
It's true that some people age more gracefully than others. And while scientists are beginning to gain a deeper understanding of how genetics influence the aging process, they're also discovering how much your lifestyle choices can affect your genes. Your genes only govern 30% of how you age; the other 70% is up to you.
As you get older, the genes that control inflammation, the production and strength of collagen, and your skin's ability to retain water begin to behave in a way that encourages the formation of wrinkles. Those changes are caused by mutations. A study found that aged skin that hadn't been exposed to the sun had about 3,800 genetic mutations, while skin that had been exposed to the sun had around 10,000 mutations in the same genes! So if the risk of skin cancer isn't enough to get you to wear sunblock and wide-brimmed hats, let vanity persuade you. Women need to be careful while blocking sun rays. Vitamin D comes from the sun and is absorbed through the skin. Look up Vitamin D deficiency.
Eat, drink, and slather on the antioxidants. When UV rays are absorbed by your skin, they create free radicals, which are volatile molecules. Those free radicals can latch onto your DNA and cause the mutations that cause wrinkles. Antioxidants help your body defend against free radicals. Combat wrinkles by eating foods and drinking beverages that contain antioxidants (pomegranates, acai, blueberries, green tea) and using creams or moisturizers that contain them.
Wear sunglasses regularly. Not only will wearing sunglasses protect the delicate skin around your eyes from the sun, but it'll also help prevent squinting, which directly contributes to wrinkling. Control your facial expressions. More animated expressions mean more creases, and creases eventually become wrinkles. It might be difficult, but try to do away with frowning, eyebrow raising, and squinting. Don't stop smiling or laughing, however. A genuine smile causes crow's feet around your eyes but the power of sincere joy against wrinkles may be stronger than the effects of not smiling.
Be happy. In a study of female identical twins (i.e. people with the same genes), researchers found that divorced women looked older than their married or widowed twins, and women on antidepressants looked older than their twins who weren't. It's unclear whether the antidepressants or the depression itself causes increased aging, but these findings imply that being in a happy relationship and having an optimistic, laid back approach to life might prevent wrinkles. At the very least, being happy will help you not care so much about the wrinkles! See a doctor when over-the-counter products fail to work and you are bothered by your indomitable wrinkles. Prescription retinoic acid can minimise the appearance of wrinkles. Wrinkles arising solely from excessive muscular contractions, such as forehead horizontal lines or crows' feet, should be injected with botulinum toxin. Deep wrinkles may need filler injections.
Most people do not realize this but excess sugar is considered one of the main causes of premature aging. The more sugar we eat, the more sugar we have entering our bloodstream. Over time, this can result in a process known as glycation, which is when a glucose (sugar) molecule damages a protein molecule by sticking to it. The new molecules formed are called advanced glycation end-products, or AGEs. AGEs damage collagen in skin, cartilage, and ligaments and promote a loss of elasticity. Wrinkles form and skin begins to sag. It may seem impossible to reduce your sugar intake, but it can be done! A gradual approach works best. In the next week, choose one thing you're going to do to decrease the amount of sugar you consume. For example, start by cutting the amount of sugar in your daily coffee or tea by half. Every week, find another way you can decrease your sugar intake. Pretty soon, you'll be surprised at how far you've come!
Essential fatty acids are simply fats your body cannot live without. They are needed to make cell membranes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Essential fats are thought to keep your heart healthy, fight inflammation, and possibly prevent cancer. They are also particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne, and also for people with dry skin. People with essential fat deficiency sometimes notice bumps on the backs of their arms. A dry brush exfoliation can be done in the morning before you shower. It eliminates dead skin cells and allows the skin to detox (skin is the largest organ of elimination). Dry brush exfoliation also improves lymph and blood circulation and decreases puffiness. An added benefit is that the gentle pressure is calming to the nervous system. To give yourself a dry brush exfoliation, you'll need a soft, natural bristle brush.
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