Methods of hair removal treatment
A series of hair removal treatments are made a provision of by salons in London. Just make sure that the person to whom you are assigning the task of beautifying is knowledgeable and experienced.
Hair is usually considered as a cause of irritation for the fairer sex. A large number of beauty salon in London thus provides hair removal solutions. Not just girls,
boys also at times encounter embarrassment owing to presence of unwanted hair. Thus hair removal for men and women is slowly assuming significant popularity. No doubt, hair growth is nothing apart from a natural phenomenon. Since hair removal is no longer considered as a taboo as was the case earlier, most people prefer to get rid of unwanted hair. Though this may sound somewhat superficial or crude, the truth is removal of unwanted hair help people present themselves better in social circle.
Let us have a look at some of the methods of hair removal that are provided by beauty salons:
Plucking: This procedure involves plucking of hair with the help of tweezers. This procedure is comparatively lengthy and hair, in this case needs to be long enough in order to be gripped with the aid of tweezers.
Waxing: This procedure is capable of removing large portions of hair at a stretch. This procedure is extremely effective especially if hair in hands and leg need to be got rid of. In this process, wax is first of all spread on skin and after it gets cooled down, it is removed. Wax pulls off hair along with it when the wax is removed.
Shaving: This is a temporary hair removal treatment and this procedure makes use of razor. This cuts hair at the surface. It is better to apply moisturisers before hair is shaved off.
Laser hair removal: This treatment is a comparatively recent development at least as far as hair removal is concerned. Moreover, this is not a permanent procedure. The lights, here is emitted at varying wavelength, pulse width and energy output. This treatment is more suitable for individuals with dark hair and light skin.
Hair removal through depilatories: Chemicals are used in this case. This actually helps to melt hair. These chemicals must be used with discretion since it may lead to skin irritation.
Threading: This poses as one of the safest ways of getting rid of unwanted hair. It does not involve usage of chemicals, do not have any side effect and is hygienic as well. This method involves usage of a thread in order to get rid of unwanted hair. Thread in this case is twisted and hair gripped in mini lasso, followed by pulled out of hair follicles. This procedure is commonly sought help of in order to keep eyebrows in shape. Moreover, it does not consume lot of time as well.
Electrolysis: This involves application of electric current to the root of hair follicle. In this case, a needle is inserted into hair follicle. This results into burning of hair roots, further inhibiting growth of hair. This is a permanent procedure and only has a few drawbacks. This can last from a few months to two years.
The above discussed techniques are just some of the more popular procedures. Choice in this case totally depends upon individual discretion.