Microdermabrasion After-Care Tips

Jun 24


Aloysius Aucoin

Aloysius Aucoin

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Microdermabrasion buffs away the top layer of skin to reveal healthier, new skin. In the process, it leaves the skin vulnerable, and you will need to properly care for it after treatment to avoid unnecessary injury or irritation.

If you struggle with dull,Microdermabrasion After-Care Tips Articles lifeless skin that has small wrinkles and damage from acne and sun, microdermabrasion may be the solution to help you enjoy younger looking skin. However, you will need to carefully care for your skin right after the procedure to avoid irritating it and make your results last as long as possible.  Microdermabrasion works by buffing away the top layer of your skin. While it is painless and has few side effects, you will need to help your skin heal faster with the right care following the procedure. The medical spa or clinic that performs the treatment will probably give you a topical ointment to use. Follow the directions on this product carefully to ensure it does its job. Sometimes, after treatment your skin will be sore and may even appear a bit puffy. The best way to deal with this is to apply ice or a cold pack to the affected area. This will limit swelling and inflammation and also numb pain. If you regularly use exfoliating products, avoid using them for at least two hours after you have the treatment. These will irritate your skin, and sometimes they can cause superficial burns. Keep the skin away from direct sunlight for 24 to 48 hours after you have the treatment. When you are ready to cleanse your face, avoid those products that contain harsh chemicals like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These harsh chemicals can damage the newly uncovered skin. Any cleansers you use need to be free of perfumes or added chemicals. Choose one designed for sensitive skin. Avoid hot water and use room temperature or cold water. If your cleansing regimen uses an alcohol-based toner, you need to stop using it while your face heals from microdermabrasion. These toners are simply too harsh at this point, because the skin's natural lipid barrier will be missing. If you use alcohol toners, you will prevent your skin from replenishing this important natural moisturizer. When it comes to makeup, use something light, like a mineral makeup. Choose one that has built-in sunscreen to protect the newly uncovered skin from UV radiation. You can also go bare if your skin is looking fresh enough to do so. Moisturizer is going to be critical during this healing period. Choose one for sensitive skin that is scent-free, but moisturize every morning and every evening. This will protect the skin from becoming over dry, and will also give you great results from your microdermabrasion. The key to caring for your skin after this procedure is remembering to treat it like a baby's skin. Remember, you are buffing away a full layer of skin with this treatment. It is highly effective in freshening the look of your skin, but the skin that appears after the process is fresh and somewhat raw. This means that you have to treat it gently while the area heals. If you do, you can expect to be very happy with your microdermabrasion results, and they should last a bit longer as well.