At a minimum, walk a mile or more several times a week ... and move the arms around to loosen up the joints. If you can't walk or ride a ... bicycle, use a rowing machine, swim, or join w
At a minimum, walk a mile or more several times a week (or
daily) and move the arms around to loosen up the joints.
If you can't walk or ride a stationary bicycle, use a
rowing machine, swim, or join wheel chair races.
If you can do none of these things, you have my sympathy.
I had a young colleague who suffered from polio in child-
hood, so one leg was short and supported by a built-up shoe.
One day, this person was absent from the office, because a
lung had collapsed. He should at least have worked up his
pulse rate and breathing on a rowing machine, several times
per week.
Recent TV news said walking as little as 2½ hours per week
can reduce rates of breast cancer, so 5 hours can't hurt
females or males.
I find that a brisk half hour walk raises my pulse to about
115, then it drops back below 70 by the time I have finished
my morning shower. My normal neighborhood route measures 1.8
* Diet with FACTS, not Fat-Burner MYTHS. *
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Don't Just Rent Your Body
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