More Men Are Choosing Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery isn't just for women. More men are going under the scalpel than ever before.
Think plastic surgery is only for women? Think again. More men than ever before are choosing to have their faces or bodies altered with a round of two of plastic surgery. In women,
the most popular procedures are facelifts, tummy tucks, blepharoplasty, breast augmentation and rhinoplasty. For men, the operations are not that different. Men also are fans of having their faces tightened up with rhytidectomy.
Men also choose blepharoplasty, which is another name for eyelid surgery, on a regular basis. Men like to have slim tummies, too, so the abdominoplasty is one popular option with the male half of the population. Instead of augmentation, many guys choose from the opposite end of the spectrum; they go in for reduction. Nearly half of the men on the planet are troubled with a malady called gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition named for a translation of a Greek word meaning female-like breasts. In America, many individuals call this "man boobs." Guys also opt for Botox, chin and cheek implants and otoplasty. Otoplasty is a procedure to tack down ears that stick way out or are oversized. Why are men getting these cosmetic procedures done? Here are some reasons for the surge in operations:
Career competition: The world of work has never been as competitive as it is today. There is a huge problem with unemployment and underemployment. Many middle aged or older individuals are having a difficult time competing with younger job applicants. Many young college graduates are willing to take lower salaries; therefore, become attractive prospects. In some fields, such as computer technology, some managers may think that younger job applicants will be fresher or closer to the cutting edge. Unfortunately, this leaves many wrinkled or sagging men without good jobs or promotions. By looking younger due to a few nips and tucks, these males are more competitive in a tough employment market.
Dating again: Divorce is still very common in our society. When an older individual gets back into the dating saddle again, he wants to look his best. Many women won't go out with a guy who looks old enough to be their father. So many divorced men want to attract younger women so they strive for a surgical youth enhancement.
Wives look attractive: Most women have been interested in looking good since toddler hood. "What a pretty girl," or "be sure to look nice" has been hammered into the female psyche. What results are lots of ladies who know to color their hair, put makeup on, paint their nails and so forth. So a middle-aged husband may start looking eons older than his middle-aged wife. In order to keep her interested in him, he may opt for a few cosmetic enhancements of his own.
Plastic surgery has come a long way over the years. More advanced procedures are available to trim a decade or so off a person's face or body. Women have always known to keep their appearances up. Now men have learned the importance of their looks, too, in the job market, dating scene and their marriages.