“I’ve put on 40 pounds in one year!” “It doesn’t matter how muchI workout, I can’t lose weight.” “My doctor must think I’meating pizzas in the closet.”
With nearly 4 million Americans weighing in at over 300 pounds,is it any wonder the above cries are heard each and every day bycountless frustrated people who can’t lose weight? One suchcause for the ever increasing need to buy larger pants is adisease known as Syndrome X.
Syndrome X is also referred to as Metabolic Syndrome, MetabolicSyndrome X and Insulin Resistance. It is a very common disease;however it is widely overlooked by many medical professionals. One statistic reveals 1 in 3 people suffer from it.
This syndrome is a precursor to developing Diabetes Type 2. Sufferers have a high level of insulin. Their bodies are unableto process all the insulin that is being made from their diet. As a result, they become insulin resistant.
Think of it like this: You knock on someone’s door because youwant to come in. If they don’t answer, what normally happens? You knock again, right? Sometimes you may even knock a thirdtime, trying to gain entry. Insulin works in the same manner. The pancreas produces insulin (knock). Some foods cause the bodyto produce even higher levels of insulin (knock again). Once youbecome insulin resistant, develop Syndrome X, the body is unableto properly process the glucose, therefore the pancreas tries tomake up for it by producing even more insulin. It thinks “no oneis home” and just keeps making more.
The main purpose of glucose is to be used as fuel for the cellsin the body to produce energy. Unprocessed glucose translatesinto fat. If the body keeps making it and it’s not beingprocessed, where does it go? Hips, thighs, stomach, andbuttocks, that’s where!
In addition to hypertension and heart disease, elevated insulinmay be associated with weight gain and difficulty with weightloss, other blood sugar problems such as hypoglycemia, and somemenstrual related imbalances.
Genetics is partially responsible for causing this disease. Morelikely though is lifestyle. In many cases years of high starch,processed foods, simple sugars, lack of exercise, smoking, andincreased stress may be the culprit for Metabolic Syndrome X.
Now what? For starters, start exercising today. Increase waterintake and totally omit starches, sugars, processed foods fromyour diet. Limit or omit caffeine. Try to maintain at least onethird of your daily food intake to vegetables. Ask your doctorto test your sugar levels. Change what you’re eating and getwalking and you’ll be amazed at the pounds start to fall off. The fatigue and fuzziness will start to disappear and in turnyou’ll feel much better. The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.
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