Narconon is Scientology, and Scientology is Narconon, and although the hundreds of web sites that dominate the field of addiction on behalf or Narconon make no reference to their affiliation, they are one and the same.
There a great many problems with the programs of drug and alcohol rehab as run by Narconon:
1) They claim an unbelievable success rate (80% +) which was independently confirmed at closer to 10%.
2) Their philosophy of treatment does not allow for the use of needed medications during rehab, and this can make the detox off of certain drugs dangerous, and worsens symptoms of those people suffering from accompanying psychiatric disorders.
3) The scientific background on which all therapies are based is flawed, and in many cases completely wrong. The treatments of Narconon are based on the works and writings of L. Ron Hubbard, who was a man with a poor understanding of Science in general, and who lied about his scientific credentials.
4) Many graduates of Narconon drug rehabs complain about the recruitment efforts towards Scientology during the programming of rehab, and Narconon is considered to be a recruitment center for the Church of Scientology.
5)Narconon will never allow for any independent verification of its claims
The fact that Narconon executives will never allow for any independent analysis or confirmation of its methods, of its data and of its claimed success rates certainly raises some concern. Narconon is extremely secretive about its information, and has even admitted to hiring people to harass journalists seeking information about their methods.
If they do operate with such incredible success rates, and do operate in the best interest of addicts in recovery, why must they be so incredibly secretive about their methodologies and recovery statistics?
Narconon will offer "scientific" studies that seem to back its claims and its methods, but a closer look at the scientists performing these approved studies reveals that they are universally Scientology affiliated persons, and that an independent confirmation of this science is again never allowed. No actual and well regarded scientist has ever supported the methodologies as used by Narconon.
Find a drug or alcohol rehab that can offer you real help
If you are in a position to need drug or alcohol rehab, you cannot afford to waste your time, your money, and your hope on a program that operates out of questionable motivations, offers only pseudoscience in support of its programming, and does not allow for any independent confirmation of its reported successes.
You cannot afford to squander an opportunity for real and beneficial treatment, and you need to search for a drug or alcohol rehab that does offer scientific and proven therapies and treatments, that is accredited and that does offer you a legitimate chance at success and sobriety.
Narconon does an incredible job at selling its organization and presenting its theories as reasonable. They are not (the mistaken science of Narconon).
Ask your doctor, ask your psychologist, ask your local health office, they'll warn you about Narconon too.
No Relapse! 3 ways to stay sober after drug or alcohol rehab
Drug or alcohol rehab is unfortunately no guarantee of long term sobriety, and a great many people fail to see sobriety through the end of the first very risky year after rehab. Here are three things you can do to maximize the odds of staying sober and staying healthy after the end of drug or alcohol rehab.Insomnia can lead to relapse. 8 ways to get to sleep at night; even while going through withdrawal!
We don’t often think of sleep as a risk factor to relapse and abuse, but insomnia during long term withdrawal is a significant predictor of further abuse. This is very problematic as one of the symptoms of long term withdrawal off of a great many drugs is a prolonged period of sleep disturbances. Here are 8 ways to get to sleep at night, even while going through withdrawal.Alcoholism; 3 ways family can help a recovering alcoholic stay sober
You can never fight the battles of alcoholism recovery for someone you love, but that doesn’t mean that family can't help a lot on the road to sobriety. Although the recovering alcoholic must walk the lonely road to sobriety alone, there are three concrete actions that a loving and supportive family can take to help out along the way.