We all have grown up with stories our grandparents and parents tell us about what we should do for all the day to day illnesses.
You must have heard your grandma tell you how you should have tea whenever you catch a cold, or perhaps your mom tell you to put a little bit of neem or garlic paste on your skin to get rid of all your acne or skin issues. In the past, our forefathers never ran out of suggestions for natural remedies for any kind of health issues we had.
Sadly however, over the last one or two decades, people have become addicted to medicines filled with chemicals and resort to allopathic medicines for something as minor as a regular back ache. Agreed that for more serious and chronic conditions, these heavy chemicals might be required to help in the healing process, however, you can easily revert to more natural and very soothing forms of medicines.
The best things about natural remedies are that you don’t even have to go hunting for it. You can easily find it in your house. Oh yes, you can find all the natural remedies you need to treat all your own small illnesses on your own. No need of going to the doctor or a hospital and spending money on consultation charges as well as chemical filled allopathic medicines.
People all across the world are noticing the ill effects of using allopathic effects. Taking a chemical based pill for every small or big illness will harm you in the longer run. Why are people all across the world moving to much more healthier options for treating their poor health instead of chemicals? Here are a few basic reasons for this trend:
1. It is very simple and trouble free
2. It has no damaging chemicals
3. Absolutely no side or negative effects at all
4. It is very cheap
5. You get to be your own doctor!
Natural remedies, also referred to as home remedies, can be easily made at home using absolutely natural ingredients such as vegetables, fruits as well as herbs. To start a medicine clinic for yourself and your family simply head to your kitchen and you will find what you are looking for. All you have to do is do a little bit of reading and research on this subject. Read a few books about which natural components work best to treat each and every kind of sickness. And you are totally sorted to start mixing medicines like an alchemist.
So you might be wondering how this day to day food items work against infections and illnesses. Well, each and every fruit, herb or vegetable has some specific natural components that fight against the germs or the reason causing the sickness. As opposed to natural remedies, antibiotic medicines simply kill the bacteria or the virus that causes the illness, however they also harm the body ion such a way that you will take longer to heal and will go through a lot of weakness as well as might have to go through some sort of harmful side effects.
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