New Cancer Patents Granted: Caribbean Blue Scorpion Venom in the News
This article will be looking more about cancer and analyzing the benefits and impact of Caribbean blue scorpion venom in the treatment of cancer.
In the biotech industry's frenetic race to secure new patents,

one recently patent stands out from the crowd, the one secured by Medolife Corp. for its "polarized scorpion venom solution and a method for making polarized scorpion venom solution." (Patent No.: US 8,097,284 B2) The patent marks a major milestone in the history of Medolife and its founder. For years, the company has been sponsoring cancer research in the field of "natural chemotherapy", analyzing the benefits and impact of Caribbean blue scorpion venom in the treatment of cancer. A copy of the patent can be previewed via the United States Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) web site. The company can be contacted directly via 1-800-468-9123 or via The patent abstract reads as follows: Various embodiments of this invention disclose a polarized dilute blue scorpion venom solution, a method for making a polarized dilute scorpion venom solution, and a method for administering dilute scorpion venom solution. The polarized dilute scorpion venom solution relieves pain, improves Immune-system response, treats cancer, prevents cancer, improves quality of sleep, reduces inflammation, and minimizes negative biological response to chemotherapy and radiation treatment. The claims of the patent are listed as described below: 1. A method of magnetically polarizing blue scorpion venom, comprising the steps of: diluting blue scorpion venom in a distilled water to create a dilute scorpion venom solution; circulating said dilute scorpion venom solution through an one or more plastic tubes; placing a series of flat magnets along said one or more plastic tubes in pairs and on one or more opposite sides of said one or more plastic tubes, wherein said series of flat magnets are aligned so that one or more negative poles and one or more positive poles of said series of flat magnets mirror one another such that said series of flat magnets repel one another; compressing said series of flat magnets together with a clamp so that said series of flat magnets remain in place, wherein said series of flat magnets that are compressed together also compress said one or more plastic tubes such that said dilute scorpion venom solution is forced to flow through said one or more plastic tubes in close proximity to said series of flat magnets; recirculation said dilute scorpion venom solution is polarized. 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said polarized scorpion venom solution treats pain. 3. The method of claim 1, wherein said polarized scorpion venom solution reduces inflammation. 4. The method of claim 1, wherein said polarized scorpion venom solution prevents cancer and tumor growth. 5. The method of claim 1, wherein said polarized scorpion venom solution treats cancer. 6. A solution, comprising: blue scorpion venom; and distilled water; wherein said solution is polarized. 7. The solution of claim 6, wherein said solution relieves pain. 8. The solution of claim 6, wherein said solution reduces inflammation. 9. The solution of claim 6, wherein said solution boosts the immunity response of a human. 10. The solution of claim 6, wherein said solution prevents cancer and tumor growth in one or more humans. 11. The solution of claim 6, wherein said solution treats cancer and reduces tumor growth in humans. 12. The solution of claim 6, wherein said solution minimizes negative biological response to chemotherapy and radiation treatment. 13. The solution of claim 6, wherein said solution increases appetite and body mass during chemotherapy and radiation treatment. 14. The solution of claim 6, wherein said solution improves quality of sleep. 15. A method of administering blue scorpion venom, comprising the steps of: diluting said blue scorpion venom; polarizing dilute blue scorpion venom; and administering polarized dilute scorpion venom to one or more humans. 16. The method of claim 15, wherein said blue scorpion venom is administered to said one or more humans orally. 17. The method of claim 15, wherein said blue scorpion venom reduces pain. 18. The method of claim 15, wherein said blue scorpion venom reduces inflammation. 19. The method of claim 15, wherein said blue scorpion venom prevents and treats cancer. 20. The method of claim 15, wherein said blue scorpion venom boosts an immune system response of said one or more humans and boosts a level of available energy in said one or more humans. Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast and Stage Four Uterine Cancer Remedies based on blue scorpion venom extracts like Escozine® are routinely used in the treatment of cancer patients.