New York Drug Rehab and Addiction Treatment Programs
New York drug rehab centers address a variety of addictions. New York City's location provides easy access to numerous other cities in just a few hours' drive, making it a very attractive hub for drug traffickers. There are drug detoxification and rehabilitation centers around the state to attempt to deal with the effects of addictive drugs.
New York drug rehab centers address a variety of addictions. New York City's location provides easy access to numerous other cities in just a few hours' drive,

making it a very attractive hub for drug traffickers. There are drug detoxification and rehabilitation centers around the state to attempt to deal with the effects of addictive drugs. As in most states, New York employs a variety of drug treatment methods to treat addictions. The three main categories of treatment, however, are inpatient treatment, residential treatment and drug rehabilitation.Inpatient treatment centers provide 24 hour care to those who are fighting dependence on an addictive substance. The benefit of this type of treatment is that the patient is taken out of the environment in which drugs are accessible and provides constant support, counseling and monitoring. The length of stay in this type of facility varies. Most insurance companies limit the length of stay to 20-30 days.Residential treatment is very similar to inpatient treatment in that the person being treated lives at the facility during the treatment period. Length of stay is usually about 28 days. New York residential drug rehab facilities provide both individual and group counseling sessions and may vary in the amount of freedom allowed patients. Some facilities are open, allowing patients to come and go at will, while others strictly monitor patient activity and do not allow leaving the premises during the treatment period.Drug rehabilitation programs in New York State employ a variety of methods an addict should understand before attempting to find a drug rehab center. Such methods include programs that advocate going "cold turkey"� to the use of other monitored drugs to offset the symptoms of withdrawal a person feels during the detox period. It is important for anyone seeking drug addiction treatment to carefully consider the programs available and which of those offers the best chance at success. There is no one size fits all answer.The most beneficial programs are those that provide both medical and psychological treatment. There are usually underlying emotional issues that must be dealt with in order to increase the probability that the person with drug dependence can maintain sobriety on a long-term basis. It is necessary to help the person being treated for addiction to learn to handle the stress associated with everyday life and to be able to build healthy relationships with family and friends. If it is needed, family counseling sessions may be used to help the individual and family members heal the wounds the drug addiction has caused and to address any other issues that may have contributed to the addiction in the first place.Drug rehabilitation treatment centers can be found throughout the state of New York. They are certainly available in the larger cities, like New York City alcohol rehabs, Albany and Syracuse, but can also be found in many of the smaller towns. It is often beneficial for the person being treated to go to another location, away from where he or she lives, for treatment. There are over 200 communities within the state of New York that have drug treatment facilities available. Cost varies based upon the type of treatment and length of stay.