When you buy supplements online, make sure they have a verified mark on them. There are many online stores now that sell many fake nutritional products.
When you buy supplements online, make sure they have a verified mark on them. There are many online stores now that sell many fake nutritional products. You can buy supplements online to treat symptoms, fight diseases or to make up what you cannot consume in your not so perfect diet. Nutrition products in Indiaare growing like never before. That itself shows how many people have started consuming nutritional food supplements. With more busy lifestyles, people are becoming increasingly worried about their health and the longitivity of their lives. But those who are thinking that by just taking these nutritional food supplements, they have achieved the desired rate of nutrition or live a longer life- they might be expecting too much. Clinical studies have dampened the initial enthusiasm over certain nutritional food supplements. The studies prove that supplements have no real effect on health and sometimes in fact even increase the risk of disease.
It is very important to verify the quality, purity and potential of both raw ingredients used in the nutritional food supplements as well as the product as a whole. One must also take care to see that he/she doesn’t overdo taking in these supplements. It is very important to consult your doctor or health care expert before going in for any of them. Otherwise things can get very risky. Some people who don't get enough calcium end up consuming various sets of calcium tablets or supplements. What they don't realise is that calcium in the long run is harmful as well. One should strictly follow the set of nutritional recommendations that is decided by the doctors or nutrition experts. Widespread use of calcium supplements is extremely dangerous. It can even cause kidney stones and increase the risk of heart attacks. One must not take nutritional food supplements more than needed to meet your recommended daily intake. You can take in more of vitamin D though which stabilises excess calcium.
You can also buy supplements online like omega-3 fatty acids from fish or fish-oil. They help a lot in reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It even helps people with existing heart diseases. Though taking in nutritional food supplements is a good option one must always try and eat natural food like say, eating two servings of fish a week. As said earlier nothing can replace natural foods.
These supplements show a lot of promise. That is why nutrition products in India are growing on a large scale. But there is not enough research to recommend them for sure. They are helpful but if taken without supervision can cause great harm like depleting existing minerals as well. So the next time you buy supplements online make sure you have done your research well. Or else it is of absolutely no use and a greater harm to your health. So talk to your doctor and health care expert before you risk taking in something just on basis of what the Internet shows. What meets the eye can seem more destructive than healthy.
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