Orthopedic Doctors Specialties
You may want to see one of the orthopedic doctors in your city if you have concerns about your bones, joints, or muscles. Read on for more information.
You may want to see one of the orthopedic doctors in your city if you have concerns about your bones,

joints, or muscles. There are several different reasons to see this type of specialist. However, are they all the same? There are some that have a general practice that can take a look at just about any issue that you have and there are those that specialize in certain injuries, deformities, or even specific places on the body. Before seeking out an appointment, find just the right medical practitioner for your concerns.
Sports Related Injuries
There are some orthopedic doctors that specialize in injuries related to playing sports. If you sprained an ankle on the football field or tore your ACL while going up for a volleyball spike, someone who has experience in this field would best serve you. He may be able to not only fix this issue with care or surgery, but he can give you ideas on how to prevent the same injury from happening again. If you participate in an organized sports team you may find that there is a certain person that you can see that deals with all of your teammates. If you do have a sports related injury, talking to a teammate or other athlete that has gone through the same thing can be helpful. You may be able to get the name of a physician they recommend.
As a person's body ages there are certain things that happen to bones that can cause pain and even necessitate surgery. If you are struggling with arthritis or have other worries about the way that you feel, contact one of the orthopedic doctors that specialize in working with the elderly. Because they see the same problems on a regular basis they have the experience needed to decide the best course of action. The same physician that takes care of the arthritis concern can also be the person that performs a hip or knee replacement.
General Practitioner
There are some orthopedic doctors that are available to take on just about any injury, joint pain problem, or other bone issue. If you go to the emergency room because you think you may have broken a leg or wrist you may be seen by the same person looking to help someone in another room with the effects of osteoporosis. Either the injury will be taken care of at the emergency room or you will be referred to one of the more specific practitioners in the area.
Much like seeing your primary care physician when you go in for an appointment there will be paperwork to fill out. After being taken back to the exam room one of the orthopedic doctors will come in and talk to you about the injury or pain you are experiencing. You can explain the way that you are feeling and point out the area that you are concerned about. After an exam he may decide that x-rays need to be taken. Then, after getting more information, he will make a diagnosis. At this point you will find out what your options are for recovery. In some cases you may be referred to physical therapy or you may need surgery to correct the problem.