Overcome Premature Sickness and Disease

Feb 23


Brad Hamilton

Brad Hamilton

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Acidosis in the body equals headaches, anxiety, migraines, , depression, chronic fatigue, heart disease, asthma, obesity, cancer, autism, ADD, and Alzheimers.


Alkaline water is just the first step to creating an innerterrain where disease and illness cannot flourish.Alkaline water is what we want to drink for its excellenthydrating benefits.  Not only does alkaline water tastegood,Overcome Premature Sickness and Disease Articles but it gives your cells and tissue an negativeelectrons which helps detoxify the body and removing theacidic waste.  Alkaline water is one of the most effectiveand easy ways to detoxify and to reverse the aging process.Antioxidants are negative electrons helping the body tofight disease, and alkaline water is the best source ofantioxidants.

The Japanese have been enjoying the benefits of alkalinewater for over two decades.  People everywhere arediscovering the amazing benefits of alkaline water and thetechnology.  In fact, its been around for decades, but itwas only recent years that people in Japan rediscoveredthis water and started appreciating its unbelievablebenefits.  There are many pages on the Internet devoted toother people's testimonials as to these health benefits.Alkaline water has significant, health-enhancing benefitsnot shared by standard or filtered water: an alkaline pHbetween 9.0 and 9.5, smaller and more efficient molecularclusters, negative electrons that scavenge free radicals inour bodies.

Doctors claim this will revolutionize the health industryworldwide and the determining factor between health anddisease is pH.  Healthy cells must maintain a slightlyalkaline pH level.  Healthy cells live in an alkalineenvironment.  Drinking alkaline water is wonderful way forhydration which contributes to good health.  Health expertsare realizing how alkaline water is an excellent source forflushing acidic waste, oxygenating, detoxifying, hydrating,alkalizing your body and achieving optimum health. 

A water alkalizer provides a rich source of importantalkaline minerals that the body can use to maintain properpH balance.  Trace minerals are some of the most importantnutrients the body needs, yet mineral deficiency is common.Drinking reverse osmosis or distilled waters actually causemineral deficiency in the body over time since there are nominerals in those waters plus they are acidic!  Anotherbenefit of drinking alkaline water is that it assists inthe absorption of minerals since the water is smaller andmore permeable for the body to use.  The healthy mineralsthat are retained by the alkalizer machines are availablefor assimilation by the muscle and bone tissue.  Alkalinewater from an alkalizer machine will help cleanse yoursystem of free radicals and supply you with the traceminerals needed for a healthy body.

Alkaline water is a strong antioxidant water.  It is by farthe most superior drinking water available. It iselectronically enhanced water that has passed over positiveand negative electrodes and become ionized, which then is separated into alkaline and acidic water. They are createdsimultaneously, 70% Reduced Alkaline Water and 30% AcidWater. Both waters have extraordinary properties andbenefits, however, their respective uses could not be moredifferent. The Reduced Alkaline Water is what we drink, theAcidic water we use on the outside of our bodies for beautyand antiseptic applications.

Alkaline Water is one of the best sources fordetoxification.  Alkaline water is not a medicine to treator cure any diseases but if consumed regularly, alkalinewater reduces the acidic waste, allowing a natural healthimprovement.  Alkaline water is just the first step tocreating an internal terrain where disease and illnesscannot flourish.