Pacemaker-Regulating an Abnormal Heart Beat
Summary: An experienced heart doctor is an excellent choice for supreme cardiovascular care. The medical staff can provide proper pacemaker assistance and maintenance for the assurance of avoiding the risk of a heart flare up occurring without warning.
A pacemaker is around the size of a pocket watch that is placed beneath the skin close to the heart in order to help control a person's heartbeat. Individuals need this small device for conditions such as arrhythmia where the heart has an abnormal rhythm. As your heart ages,

this too interferes with the normal rhythm and can cause it to beat too slowly. A heart attack can disrupt your heart rate and can result in heart muscle damage. Medications and genetic conditions can also disrupt the normal rate of the heart. Whatever the reason that has caused a person to experience an abnormal heart rate, a pacemaker might be the perfect solution. A pacemaker mimics the function of your heart. This device consists of two parts to include a pulse generator that houses an electrical circuitry and battery, which regulates the rate of the electrical pulses that are sent to your heart. The Leads are insulated, flexible wires that send electrical pulses to your hear. These devices monitor your heartbeat and if the rate is too slow, it will send electrical signals to your heart to speed your heart rate. Pacemakers may also have sensors that are used to detect breathing rate or motion, which will signal the pacemaker to increase the heart rate when a person exercises in order to meet the needs of the body in the area of oxygen and blood. During your consultation, your doctor may inform you of how to prepare for your pacemaker. It is important to find out if you actually need this device and you will have to undergo several tests to find out why you have an abnormal heartbeat. Some of these tests may include: • You may undergo ambulatory electro gram monitoring which records our heart rhythms during a 24 hour period • You may have sensor pads with wires attached that are put on your chest to measure the electrical impulses of your heart • You may have to undergo noninvasive test that consist of sound waves and a plastic instrument called a transducer being placed on your chest to allow the physician to see the heart without the need of an incision. • You may need to undergo a stress test to check the heart rate before, during, and after exercise. To get the best cardiovascular care for your pacemaker service, contact the offices of a reputable heart doctor to get the medical attention and care you need. You can also visit the website to find additional information on the medical practice and the services they provide.