Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms And Treatment For Chronic Pancreatitis
Following article will speak about pancreatic cancer signs and symptoms and also about pancreatic cancer treatments for this disease.
Signs of pancreatic cancer often include a drop in energy levels,

fatigue, and loss of appetite, weight loss and diarrhea. Additional signs, typical of pancreatic cancer, are dark urine, itching, unexplained blood clots, indigestion, jaundice and pale bowel actions. Pancreatic cancer symptoms are often difficult to diagnose and can point towards a number of other illnesses besides pancreatic cancer. Diarrhea is one such symptom. It could indicate chronic pancreatitis or a rare tumor of the pancreas. If the tumor is advanced at the time of diagnoses, the main pancreatic cancer symptom will be pain. This may be felt in the top of the stomach area or in the middle of the back. Pancreatic insufficiency is often a side effect of surgery but it can present itself as a pancreatic cancer symptom. It is usually caused by damage to the pancreas but sometimes; chronic pancreatitis may cause pancreatic insufficiency. Pancreatic insufficiency is when the pancreas is unable to make enough of the enzymes needed to digest food. This causes gas and bloating. If pancreatic insufficiency is acute the intestines ability to absorb nutrients declines, leading to a shortage in essential nutrients and limited fat absorption leading to extra fat in the stools. Large, pallid, foul-smelling stools, weight loss and diarrhea are signs of pancreatic insufficiency. A low fat diet, pancreatic enzymes and vitamins will be supplemented to treat the underlying cause of the pancreatic damage. Diabetes and the associated thirst, blurred vision, weight loss, lethargy, increased volumes of urine and drowsiness is another pancreatic cancer symptom. A procedure called islet transplantation developed by scientist’s experimentations takes pancreatic islet cells from a deceased organ donor, processes and purifies them before implanting into the recipient. The beta cells in the transplanted islets start make insulin. Pancreatic islet cell transplantation gives hope for people with type1 diabetes to live their lives without having to inject insulin. Having discussed pancreatic cancer symptoms, lets take a look at the treatment for chronic pancreatitis. This is an inflammation of the pancreas usually caused by many years of alcohol abuse. This does not resolve itself and with its progression, individuals can experience weight loss, malnutrition and insulin-dependent diabetes. As discussed above pancreatic islet cell transplantation is a treatment choice here for the diabetes. Chronic pancreatitis treatment focuses on managing pain and dietary support. Enzymes will be supplemented to aid food digestion. One such enzyme is pancreatin. It is a mixture of quite a few digestive enzymes usually produced by the exocrine cells in the pancreas namely amylase, lipase and trypsin. It has been stated that it helps cancer and autoimmune disease. Pancrelipase is a similar supplement also containing this mixture of enzymes. Pancreatin is a useful enzyme supplement for reinstating missing pancreatic enzymes and supports the digestion of foods in pancreatic insufficiency. Surgery may be suggested to relieve abdominal pain, drain pancreatic secretions and reduce the number of attacks. Abstinence from the drinking of alcohol will be recommended as will a low fat diet.