Paying Your Health Insurance Premiums May Do More Than Save Your Life

Nov 18


Patrick Daniels

Patrick Daniels

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It is incredible to think about how many American's are living without health insurance and how many of them are stuck paying for their health care strictly out of their paycheck. Of course, while this may work with the occasional visit to the doctor's office or the infrequent prescription there is little to be done when health care costs become astronomical and a person can only afford what they can pay out of pocket for.

It is incredible to think about how many American's are living without health insurance and how many of them are stuck paying for their health care strictly out of their paycheck. Of course,Paying Your Health Insurance Premiums May Do More Than Save Your Life Articles while this may work with the occasional visit to the doctor's office or the infrequent prescription there is little to be done when health care costs become astronomical and a person can only afford what they can pay out of pocket for.

But why should anyone be worried if the hospital will extend credit to them. If you are paying the entire bill, regardless of the charges, you most likely will have to pay for it all, mostly because you don't have a health insurance company in your corner to help contest and lower or eliminate some of the unreasonable charges that will show up. This is a role that health insurance companies have gotten very good at playing and there have been cases where the insurance companies have flat out refused to pay because the charges are grossly inflated and unacceptable.

Having health insurance does mean that you will be seen at pretty much any medical facility and will not be denied care, even though this is a slippery slope because sometimes even though you are not actually being denied care you may find that your health insurance company may refuse you the ability to receive certain levels of care based on their criteria. In other words, while your health insurance does ensure that you will be seen it doesn't mean that you will receive coverage.

When it comes to health insurance it can be a real lifesaver. More importantly than that however is the way in which health insurance coverage can protect your finances and everything that you have worked for in your life. Some cancer treatments for instance can be 12,000 per session and there are other procedures that may cost you even more out of pocket. Even in cases where you are not being discriminated against for not having a health insurance policy it is likely that you will find that the bills are way more than you could ever hope to pay and this may cause you to suffer having liens put against all that you have worked so hard for in this life.

Having a serious health crisis is a difficult enough situation without having it cause you to go broke in the process. Remember the best way to make sure that you are covered both financially and health wise is to keep a valid health insurance policy in place for you and your family members at all times.