Human body consists of 5 basic elements. These 5 elements are balanced properly in a healthy body. We may get some diseases when the basic elements go out of balance. And we can measure this imbalance wel in advance with the help of Bio-well Camera.
The universe consists of five elements. Even the making of human body is connected with these five elements of nature. The colour of every cycle and aura represents a particular element that we are unaware of in spite of realizing it. With the help of a bio-well camera the movement of the 7 cycles of our body can be understood by analyzing the pictures of the tips of our five fingers. Bio-well camera shows the proportion of energy level of the body and also shows an elementary graph of the kind of physical ailment that might occur in or can be caused by a part of the body or in near future, this can be helpful for us to maintain good health in advance by which we can remain free from diseases. Incautiously, we are likely to be affected by diseases even if any one of the five elements falls out of balance. In spite of the ancient cycle of the history of verifications received about several unsolved mysteries only about 50 percent of those are popular, it is primarily because we have kept ourselves entrapped in the chains of acceptance. The one who does not follow eating habits and discipline is a fool and others are wise; we are leading our lives with the belief that no one has got time. We are under this wrong impression and the people of western countries have opened their own centres and doing business as well as maintaining good health with the help of this calculation. It is the right time for everyone to reveal the layers of their inner instinctive intellect and know their energy level through aura photography, try to remain healthy by ruling out their shortcomings by taking corresponding treatments.
Dr. J. M. Shah at Andheri in Mumbai is renowned for photography through the bio-well camera. He does the aura photography based on bio-well camera through the finger tips and as a result tells us about the levels of substratum cycle, sacral cycle, manipur cycle, sirs cycle, incorruptibility cycle, command cycle and thousand fold spring cycle. He analyzes the unbalanced condition of cycle levels. He also weighs the consequences of negativity and positivity energy on the scale of merits and demerits scale of this cycle. The clothes we wear, framed sceneries decorating the walls around us, the threads of coloured dress worn by us also pollute the aura which can be the root cause of diseases. We do not fall sick but the effect of negativity is bound to show up somewhere in various forms such as business, personal life, and family peace or even irritating nature and constant rise in anger.
Everyone aims for a peaceful and healthy life. Our own finger tips determine the calculations of our life. For more information meet Russia and Anderi’s famous, Dr. J.M. Shah. He is the first to realize the importance of bio-well camera. People who are interested to attend his seminar, learn the use of bio-well camera, to buy it or are interested in opening a centre, please contact Dr. J.M. Shah at +91 9821055218
The Bio-Well Camera Prepares A Report On How Healthy You Are
The Biowell camera tells you that how healthy you are just by taking aura photography of your body. Aura Photography is taken by keeping all fingures one after another on the lense of the camera.More Valuable Than Mediclaim: Aura Photography
By using Biowell camera, you can come to know side effects of radiation of mobile OR the positive effects of Yoga, Reiki, meditation etc. You can know which changes are going within bidy due to habit of smoking or chewing tobacco or sonsuming wine.Aura Photography Is As Important As The Life Insurance
Aura photography is just like blood test or sonogrpahy. Difference is that blood test shows disease only after it is developed within the body, the aura camera predicts the disease before it is developed in the body.