Plan Your Breast Augmentation In Winter
If you are planning breast augmentation surgery, consider having your procedure scheduled for the winter months following the holiday season.
For many reasons,

January or February provides a great window for planning a breast augmentation surgical procedure. Vacation time, recovery time and time to get in shape for upcoming bathing suit weather are all considerations to be made when planning your surgery.
First of all, with the holidays having past, your office will have less people requesting vacation time. When you plan your surgery you will most likely want to allow yourself a few days of bed rest. You will also need to consider extra days off if you hold a job that requires lifting. Asking for a week off is not too much. This will give you time to really adjust to your new breasts.
Recovery time can vary from patient to patient but is most easily done in the winter months. Most doctors will tell you that it can take weeks or months for your new breasts to settle into place. They will be swollen immediately after the surgery and will naturally sit up higher because of the swelling. It takes a while for your breasts to recover from the breast augmentation and to cease being swollen. If you are concerned about the swelling, extra sweaters and layers can be used to disguise it.
You will also need to recover from the surgery itself. Immediately following the surgery you will be groggy and may have affects from the medication. Make sure you have someone with you to take you home and help you into a resting position. This person will also need to help you around the house, as it is recommended you not lift or reach. It will be easier to recruit someone to help during winter, keeping them warm and out of the cold.
Just as recovery time varies from patient to patient, so does the initial reception of your new breasts among your friends and family. Some people choose to keep their breast augmentation a secret only for themselves to enjoy. If you are fearful that coworkers or friends might be critical, keep in mind that you will be dressing in layers and sweaters during the winter. Without realizing it, you will be giving their eye a chance to adjust to your new silhouette. By the time spring rolls around and you reveal your new shape, everyone will be convinced that you lost weight or spent the winter exercising.
Speaking of exercising, don’t forget that wintertime is usually your time to get into bikini shape for the summer. After you have recovered from surgery and your doctor says it is okay to start exercising again, you can enjoy the process more knowing how great your swimsuit will look. Just be sure that you allow your breasts to fully heal before starting an exercise regime.
If you are interested in breast augmentation surgery, consider planning it in the winter. It is a great time to recover from the surgery and learn to enjoy your new breasts!