Plastic Surgeon: Bringing About Life Changing Improvements
A plastic surgeon is a doctor that through non-surgical or surgical means seeks to bring about mild to significant changes in the body in areas of function or appearance. Read on to learn more.
It is evident with the rise in the number of patients who seek plastic surgery,

that this method of body improvement is very effective. With the technological advances that are now in place for plastic surgeons to use, you get a considerable number of options available to you. This type of surgery can be either reconstructive or cosmetic on the face and various parts of the body. It is best to get an ASPS Member surgeon because they have extensive training, qualifications, and experience to perform both reconstructive and cosmetic procedures.
Breast surgery, whether an enhancement procedure or a reduction seeks to correct or improve a person's appearance or condition. Although there are thousands of these procedures performed each year where the patient is pleased with the results, there are instances where a patient is dissatisfied with the outcome. Some reasons a person may be unhappy with their procedure include incorrect shape or size of the implant, or the failure of the surgeon to recognize an irregularity or breast asymmetry the patient may have had before surgery.
A patient can receive correction for the breast surgery problem through a procedure known as revision breast implant surgery. These procedures can be either secondary or a revision surgery. The secondary procedure is used when scar contracture develops, the implant is in a poor position, an implant ruptures, or where there is the natural aging of the breast that requires the patient to undergo a breast lift during the implant replacement procedure. Additional breast procedures performed by plastic surgeons include: breast reconstruction, male chest sculpting, breast lift, breast reduction, and breast augmentation.
Plastic surgery can also be done in areas of the face to improve areas that a person is dissatisfied with. The facelift is a procedure used to smooth out wrinkles, get rid of sagging skin and jowls. Patients also opt for this procedure to give them a more youthful appearance as it improves the contours of the chin and neck. Patients can receive a rested and youthful appearance through the facelift as many choose it due to experiencing loss of muscle tone and skin elasticity on the face and neck. Additional procedures of the face or body that a patient may seek surgery to improve appearance or function include: eye lift, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, and liposuction.
A plastic surgeon can also perform a number of non-surgical procedures that work fast and are safe and effective. With the use of an injection, a procedure such as dermal fillers can smooth out the lines that run from the nose to the mouth area. Other non-surgical procedures include Botox, skin rejuvenation, hair removal, vein treatment and more. You can call and schedule a consultation with an experienced surgeon the help with problem areas, or to improve your appearance.