You may be curious about the most popular kinds of procedures done in the plastic surgery field. The findings may surprise you, and may also influence you a bit before you visit your plastic surgeon for some changes to your appearance.
It is interesting to know the kind of surgeries that most people are opting for,

which is why the American Society of Plastic Surgeons periodically collects data on the types of procedures that are most popular. Get an idea of why most people go to a plastic surgeon when looking to improve their body or face. You may be surprised at some statistics, while other information may confirm just what you always thought.
The most popular reason for going to a plastic surgeon is to get breast implants, which should not really be surprising. Of course, this also means that women are still much more likely than men to get cosmetic surgery. However, the number of males undergoing surgeries has increased. Statistics show that men tend to opt to get a facelift, otoplasty, liposuction, Botox, and soft tissue fillers, though dermabrasion and eyelid surgery are also popular among males. Nose reshaping and hair transplants have always been common among male patients, and still are.
Oddly enough, more people are heading to their plastic surgeon for actual surgery, rather than the noninvasive type that was becoming quite popular. It is likely because surgical procedures tend to have the most obvious results, and since so many baby boomers are finding themselves getting to the age of retirement, they are ready to fix up their appearance a bit. In fact, nearly half of the surgeries done lately are on patients age 40 to 54. This is probably why most people opting for cosmetic surgery choose to get the surgical kind, as the noninvasive type typically does not cut it with older patients who are looking for dramatic results. Instead, younger patients are usually more likely to get the procedures that do not involve incisions and long recovery periods, as they need a less drastic result.
In 2010, breast augmentation was slightly more popular than the previous year, as were eyelid surgery and liposuction. In addition, more people got tummy tucks than the previous years, but the number of nose reshapings dipped slightly down. Microdermabrasion was less popular than usual among both men and women in 2010, while chemical peels stayed about the same. Finally, despite the overall rise in surgical procedures compared to the minimally invasive type, Botox, soft tissue fillers, and laser hair removal were all more popular than usual in 2010.
These results show that as usual, people are willing to head to their local plastic surgeon to improve their looks, no matter the state of the economy. Some surgeries in particular remain perpetually popular, such as breast augmentation, as there is pressure on females to have big breasts. Of course, the popularity of liposuction and tummy tucks shows that those of both sexes feel some pressure to be in shape. Additionally, most of the procedures allow patients to look more youthful, such as Botox, soft tissue fillers, and facelifts, which is why they increased as more people are hitting retirement age. Clearly, it is important to many people to know the number of a good cosmetic surgeon near them so that they can improve their looks in various ways.