Plastic Surgery For Your Feet
When we think of plastic surgery, there is a certain image of breast implants and face lifts that comes to mind. Cosmetics for your feet are becoming more and more popular among young women that spend their days in heels. Please read on.
When we think of plastic surgery,

there is a certain image of breast implants and face lifts that comes to mind. Cosmetics for your feet are becoming more and more popular among young women that spend their days in heels.
Women know that high fashion often comes with high pain. Those pointy pumps or even strappy sandals can cause damage on the foot when worn every day. If ditching your Monolos for your mom’s orthopedics is not an option, then you may have to think about surgically enhancing your foot for its walking pleasure.
It is not like the binding of the foot like Geishas, but plastic surgery for your feet is possible. You can have work done on your toes, shortening and tucking, or have padding added to the ball of your feet. What won’t women do for a beautiful shoe?
Toe shortening is one of your options if you are feeling the pinch of the pointy pump. If long toes are making you feel like the ugly step sister trying in vain to shove her feet into Cinderella’s shoe, then this might be the plastic surgery for you. Toe shortening is a very simple procedure. The toe and foot are numbed. While the toe and foot are anesthetized, the doctor will dislocate the toe and shave off some of the extra bone.
All jokes aside, toe shortening is a go-to option for women that don’t like the way their feet look in open-toed sandals. Many women have image issues associated with their feet and often the look and length of the toe is the root of this. For some, toe shortening isn’t the only solution. Some choose to have a pinkie toe tuck as well.
Pinkie toes tend to be fleshy and odd-shaped, making it difficult to dress up in a pair of open-toed heels. Doctors get the request of pinkie toe tucks a lot and during the procedure they remove extra fat and tissue from the toe. The result of the toe is a slimming of the toe and overall more appealing look to the foot.
One other plastic surgery option that could be your solution to pain-free three-inch heel days is the procedure of transferring fat to the ball to the foot. This surgery is exactly as it is described. Fat is transferred to the ball of the foot and a built-in cushion is created. The fat is gathered through liposuction, usually a patient has a liposuction procedure done simultaneously, and it is injected into the ball. This may sound a little Frankenstein, but it actually creates a handy insole cushion that is always with you.
So, don’t donate your heel collection just yet. You can still get a lot of wear out of that gold pair of open-toe Louboutins. Just make an appointment with your plastic surgeon and discuss the possibilities of having plastic surgery done on your feet. You may be surprised to hear that your surgeon has just the solution for you.