Plastic Surgery – Hi-Tech or High Risk?
Anyone knows that plastic surgery can help increase social status and well-being but not many people truly think about the damage plastic surgery can do to the body whilst doing its job correctly. Let us take the humble breast increase procedure as an example.
Anyone knows that plastic surgery can help increase social status and well-being but not many people truly think about the damage plastic surgery can do to the body whilst doing its job correctly. Let us take the humble breast increase procedure as an example. This is one of the most popular procedures for plastic surgery in Thailand but soon microchips will be implanted along with the implant which will give information about the chosen implant so that doctors can quickly see the condition of the implant and whether or not it needs replacing or is damaging the body internally in any way. A lot of research is conducted to ensure that the implants being used are safe to actually be implanted in to the body as the last thing anyone wants is for an implant to be rejected and cause severe body dysfunction.
This microchip,

called VeriChip is a unique device identifier whose job it is to provide vital statistics and details about the types of implants and materials being used. The company behind these microchips successfully created microchips that were safe to implant in to dogs to track them and this is the first device that has ever been termed safe for implant in to actual humans. The chip is small enough to be injected in to the skin as no invasive surgery is needed. This means that as the success of this chip grows soon all procedures will be made much safer which will no doubt be of great comfort to those who are considering
plastic surgery in Thailand.
The only thing is whether or not people can really deal with the fact that there is a microchip inside their body monitoring their implants. This may sound something from Blade Runner but the future really is as close today than many people seem to realise. The VeriChip has the potential to be used in nearly any medical procedure or to monitor any kind of implants inserted in to the body which means that it immediately has benefits such as monitoring the status of an artificial hip.
Whether or not those who want plastic surgery will agree to being monitored in this way is an entirely different matter but there is no denying that plastic surgery is getting more and more sophisticated.
Hopefully this chip will make it to other countries soon as it is only currently being piloted in the USA. It would be a great addition and safety element of those who are having plastic surgery in Thailand but you cannot help but think that maybe this is one step closer to the Big Brother future that George Orwell warned us about so many years ago and that we saw so vividly created by Ridley Scott in the seminal Blade Runner. There is no denying that man and machine are becoming ever closer and the field of plastic surgery is one of the major playfields where we can all watch this battle unfold and reap from the benefits.