Plastic Surgery Versus Over the Counter Products
Commercials lately have been praising plastic surgery effects by over the counter products. How can you tell if these claims are true? How should you decide what to do?
You have probably seen the commercials on television discussing the decreased number of patients seeking out plastic surgery because of new over the counter products. For many this seems like a dream come true. Others are a little more skeptical. How do you know whether or not a product can deliver those types of results?
Read and Research
In order to be a more informed consumer,
read all that you can about over the counter regenerating creams and products and cosmetic procedures. You may think that you already know all there is know about these things, but you can always read the latest studies and find out more about the science and medical perspectives of the two.
Try It Out Yourself
In many cases you won’t be able to tell if the over the counter products will really be able to replace plastic surgery unless you try them. You can see pictures on television and in magazines but the only real way to tell whether or not something will work for you is to make the purchase and try it out. There is going to be a cost associated with this, but in most cases it is worth the expense.
If you find that it works, you have saved yourself the cost of plastic surgery. If it didn’t work you have saved yourself the worry of wondering whether or not you made the right decision. If a group of you are all considering the over the counter product versus an actual procedure you can split the cost and compare results. This can save you a little bit of money and give you all some perspective.
Weigh Out the Differences
If you find that the over the counter product works you may be quick to assume that this is the best option. However, don’t count out plastic surgery. You still need to weight out the two and find out which is going to be cost effective and which is going to provide you with the results that you are looking for.
Medications and products can produce results. When you make the first purchase you probably think you are saving money. While you are paying less than a medical procedure at the time you need to ask yourself whether or not you will have to keep buying to product. How long will you have to keep using it to see results? If this is something that needs to be permanently incorporated into your routine think about the cost that you will incur.
Time and results are two other things to consider. How long does it take to see results from the product that you purchase? You may have to use it for several weeks to begin to notice a change. Then you need to see how much of a change is really noticeable. Surgical procedures also take time to completely heal and the final results to show as well, but they are usually more dramatic.