You are excited but at the same time worried because you lack information on how you should prepare for wearing braces. Consider these tips then.
You are having mixed feelings now that the days that you will wear your braces are coming soon. You are thrilled because it will correct your bite; hence,

you will become confident of yourself. But you feel terrified simultaneously because you have no notion how painful are the brackets. Additionally, you may not understand how to be prepared once you see your dentist in Chandler. To keep you from your concerns, here are the things that you ought to do:
If it is your first time to go to your tooth doctor, he will look at your teeth first if it is without any tooth decay and if you have no gum problems. If your teeth are packed, he will recommend tooth extraction to give spaces in the jaws to the remaining teeth. Sometimes, dental x-ray is also essential. All these mean that you will have to fork out cash other than what you have saved or designated for your braces.
Clean your teeth thoroughly before you go. This will make it less difficult for your dentist to execute professional teeth cleaning and begin the entire process of installing braces. Be sure you floss in order to remove food debris in between teeth. Rinse your mouth and scrape off the white film in your tongue also.
Talk to people who wear or who have worn braces. They can share their encounters with you. Of course, they will readily tell you that it is painful but over time, you will feel at ease using them.
Be diligent and driven. Your dentist in Chandler needs you to be very attentive and supportive as he places the braces on your teeth. He will expect you to carry out some things, such as open your mouth. You may feel exhausted (and sleepy) along the way but maintain your focus or else, the treatment may even take longer than expected.
Look forward to a beautiful you. Never mind what other people say about the terrible pain involved in wearing braces, particularly if you are a novice to them. Maintain positivity and look at the benefits they can provide you with. Anyway, you will have dental wax as your friend so you don't have to concern yourself about experiencing cuts.
Eat solid foods, specifically your favorites because you will miss them for a few days. Chew your desired gum. Irritation is but natural immediately after he puts on the braces on your teeth that you will not have the capacity to bite or chew. You will rely on soft foods like mashed potatoes.
Make an effort to study; find out the best foods for you and for your braces. Your dental expert can give you initial details about it.
Soon as you have your braces on, again, you will easily feel the discomfort but as mentioned above, you will get familiar with it. Your dentist in Chandler can help you a lot in your journey toward having beautiful teeth. See to it that you're going to follow his guidelines and that you will see him regularly.