Primary Care: What It Can Do For You
Primary care in this country involves the use of physicians who provide the bulk of your medical attention. Learn when you may need to use this type of provider.
Primary care doctors are also called general practitioners or family physicians,

although physician assistants or nurse practitioners can also perform their duties. Often employed by health-maintenance organizations or walk-in clinics, they are in many respects the gatekeepers of your healthcare. Since you may need to see one in the future, here is some information you need to know.
Although this type of doctor sees patients of all ages, gender, and socioeconomic standing, his patients are usually chronic disease sufferers who require regular medical attention. You would most likely see this type of medical professional if you had a condition such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or asthma. However, he has to be very knowledgeable about a whole host of issues. For instance, a typical day for such a doctor could involve treating lacerations, burns, and bites as well as giving immunizations to babies and children. Since the elderly can suffer injuries during normal daily activities that are not life threatening and therefore do not require an expensive emergency room visit, they still should be seen for any minor issues in order to prevent a small problem from becoming a larger one. It is also important for many of these patients to see the same doctor at each visit because continuity of care is crucial to their wellbeing.
A primary care doctor is a college graduate who has undergone four years of medical school followed by rigorous postgraduate training for at least one year working as a hospital intern. After that, he can set up an office specializing in a field such as family practice, general medicine, or pediatrics. If you have a gynecologist, he could also provide for your needs in addition to doing your yearly Pap smear and examination. Likewise, if you suffer from asthma or need to undergo regular dialysis, an allergist or kidney specialist could also provide any basic healthcare you might need. An emergency room physician can be your main healthcare provider if necessary, especially if you regularly visit the emergency department for acute issues or if you live in a small town and have limited access to health professionals.
When you see your family physician, you will be asked to describe your current symptoms and then your medical history will be obtained. A physical examination will be performed and any necessary laboratory tests and radiographs will be ordered. You will receive a diagnosis and recommendations for treatment, such as prescriptions and follow-up visits. Preventive care and patient education should also be discussed, including smoking cessation and weight loss advice. As you can see, it is very important that he have good interpersonal skills so he can effectively communicate with you. In addition, you have to feel that you can trust his skill and expertise.
Primary care doctors are a vital component of our healthcare system and are necessary to keep everything running smoothly. If you have any ongoing medical issues, you may want to consider finding one in your community.