Problems Associated With Desk And Computer Work
Research now is revealing the devastating effects that a sedentary lifestyle and work day have on the body. It used to be that setting at a desk all day way the dream job and blessing could in reality be a curse. Staying healthy must include activity, if not, you will experience circulation problems as well as back pain and neck issues.
Research now is revealing the devastating effects that a sedentary lifestyle and work day have on the body. It used to be that setting at a desk all day way the dream job and blessing could in reality be a curse. Staying healthy must include activity,
if not, you will experience circulation problems as well as back pain and neck issues.
Individuals who spend a great deal of time looking at a computer screen usually get more headaches and tend to have more vision problems as well. As a matter of fact, sitting at a desk may even be more dangerous than you may think as those that spend day after day at their computer are also more likely to eat poorly and snack more frequently, as well as carry more weight around their middle which can lead to other health problems as well.
Now you may be thinking but what can I do? I can't afford to quit my job. Well there are actually many things that desk bound employees can do to improve their health and still maintain their current position. For example one big thing that they can do is to make sure that they space out their eating and only snack on healthy foods. It is important that each food be portion sized before taking some so that you cannot mindlessly eat several portions without realizing it.
The importance of taking breaks cannot be taken for granted. They are essential to maintaining a healthy body as well as mind. A 15 minute break every two hours including a brisk walk outside or practice your stepping on a few flights of stairs. You might want to practice yoga stances during this time. All of these things will increase your health and really reduce your workplace stress.
The changing face of executive computers are now allowing executives a way to exercise while using the computer which actually improves productivity for those who get tired of trying to fit in so many breaks. Some executives really like this new way to spend a work day while other find that the multitasking is a little more difficult than what they feel comfortable doing. This method of fitness depends more on the individual and their multitasking skills than anything else for it to be really successful.
It is a medical fact that computer can be very taxing on the wrists and it is estimated that around 50% of people who use the computer as a work related tool will suffer from some degree of carpal tunnel and wrist problems. Wrist bracing can significantly reduce the stress on the body and can even eliminate the need for surgery. Desk and computer work does have a unique set of health hazards affecting the whole body. To really make the most of this type of work you should make yourself more aware of the dangers and where they are located as well as how they will affect you and how you can minimize these affects.