Building on the success of the previous events the next PromoCon Continence Symposium is scheduled for Tuesday 15th March 2011 . This one day event will include a range of lectures, workshops & breakfast symposiums on a wide variety of continence topics. An extensive exhibition will accompany the event.
Building on the success of the previous events the next PromoCon Continence Symposium is scheduled for Tuesday 15th March 2011 .
This one day event will include a range of lectures, workshops & breakfast symposiums on a wide variety of continence topics. An extensive exhibition will accompany the event.
Venue: Bolton Arena, Middlebrook, Horwich. Greater Manchester(5 minutes from junction 6, M61)
The symposium will be charge at a nominal fee of just £10 to cover refreshments and administration.
Provisional Programme now available please click here to download About PromoCon PromoCon provides a national service, working as part of Disabled Living, Manchester to improve the life for all people with bladder or bowel problems by offering product information, advice and practical solutions to both professionals and the general public. PromoCon employs a multidisciplinary team of people who work with other services and organizations to develop improvements for people who have continence difficulties.