If you have decided to embark on a weight loss program,
the calorie is often your biggest adversary. However, your ability to overcome this lies in how much knowledge you have about calories and what you do with that knowledge. With these two components, you can easily lose 5 kilos or as much as your individual weight loss goals prefer.
Scientifically speaking, calorie refers to the amount of heat needed by your body to raise up to one degree in temperature about one liter of water. Therefore, it is more of a unit of measurement instead of being an actual component found in the foods that you consume. In terms of food and beverages, caloric count refers to the amount of energy present in them. You will therefore find calorie in fat, protein, carbohydrates, and alcohol.
When you consume calories, it provides your body with the energy it needs to perform daily physical activities. So, when you are looking for a rapid weight loss program, you should not focus on fats or carbohydrates, as what is often espoused in several diet plans currently available in the market. When you overload on calorie intake, it will definitely result to excessive weight gain.
Knowing the most appropriate amount of calorie for your body is your best bet at ensuring that it does not turn into fat. You can begin by understanding your body's basal caloric need. This concept is actually very simple: you need to take only the required amount of calories for your body on a daily basis to avoid gaining extra weight.
The next question is, “how much calories do you need?”. The daily recommended caloric intake for an average individual is 2,000 per day. If you want to lose weight, you need to cut it down to at least 1,500 daily. But since every individual's body differ, you must assess your own body to determine exactly how much calories you need to intake to facilitate in the weight loss process.
Experts suggest that burning up to 3,500 calories is equals to losing one pound. So, for instance, you want to lose 5 kilos, then you have to limit accordingly the amount of calories you consume daily. The formula used for determining your own basal metabolic rate utilizes your body weight and activity level, both of which help determine how much weight you are capable of shedding off.
If you want to sustain a healthy way to lose weight, you need to maintain the amount of calories you burn each day to about 500 in total. Begin by adapting simple changes to your regular diet, such as reducing intake of food or beverages known to contain excess amounts of calorie. And most importantly, you need to engage in physical exercise to boost your metabolism rate and burn more fats effectively.