Rate Doctors to Help Others
When you rate doctors, you allow the rest of your community to learn from your experience. You can steer business towards good docs and away from bad.
There are hundreds of benefits that can be attributed to the development and growth of the internet. We can buy goods and engage in discourse with people who have the same interests as us. We are able to research information in a time frame that is astounding compared to what it would have taken fifteen years ago. We can review and recommend movies,

plumbers, electricians and books. Perhaps most incredible is our ability to share our experience with medical professionals for the good of other people. When we rate doctors we let the rest of the internet benefit from our mistakes and good decisions. There really is no better application of the massive amount of networking we now have. In fact we benefit as well because we receive the same information from other people when we need it.
All it takes to rate doctors is an opinion about a physician and access to the internet. There are lots of sites that provide reviews, so you should search for one specific to you area first and then look to the larger community of online sites. You will often have to sign up for a free membership in the community so that you can have access to your reviews and those of others. Often it will remember your location and direct you to content catered to your area and interests. There are almost always content rules, so do not simply go on to a site to write a diatribe against someone you don't like for personal reasons. In fact, doing so reduces the quality of these reviews in general if people use them for libelous purposes. It is ideal to have these sites maintain truth and accuracy and not simply foster internet trolling.
You should be prepared to provide detailed information about what you did and did not like when you write to rate doctors. Location, full name, and the name of the practice will make the recommendation you write better. Try to leave your feelings out of it. People will quickly discount a rant as emotionally charged and lacking in objectivity. Instead, try to take an unbiased approach and write this as a purely factual account of your visit to the office. When you rate doctors this way, the truth will come out through the details and not through scathing language. Remember you already know you will not be going back. You want to write in a way that dissuades other people from visiting this physician. This means presenting a clear and concise testament to what did and did not go well.
Remember even if you had a good visit that you want to seem impartial. If there were any drawbacks to the treatment received, present them. People are good at seeing through false praise, so if you want to not seem like you were paid to write a glowing account then you should temper your prose when you rate doctors.