The menstrual cycle normally lasts 28 days, plus or minus 5 days. If an isolated disturbance is nothing to worry about, installing irregular periods for several cycles is worth investigating the cause.
If the majority of women have their menstruation every 4 weeks, some sometimes wait several months before having them, while others are surprised to see them arriving barely 15 days after the end of the last. Let’s know more about the reasons of irregular periods.
What are sirregular periods? The menstrual cycle is, by definition, a cyclic activity of the endocrine function of the ovary that manifests itself in the flow of blood for 2 to 6 days, occurring repeatedly every 28 days. We speak of irregular periods when the duration of a cycle varies from one time to another by more than 5 days. The regularity of the rules is very important. We talk about menstruation problems when they occur in a too short time, every 10-15 days or every 3 weeks, or too far away, every 6 weeks or more. Irregular periods are also bleeding, the abundance of which or the duration of which varies from one cycle to another. If bleeding requires changing protection every 2 hours or lasting more than 5 days during a cycle, it should be consulted. Having irregular periods is very common the first year after puberty. Beyond that, however, this is not normal; you should be concerned if the interval between two cycles exceeds 40 days or if it is less than 20 days; it is important to consult your gynaecologist to find the cause.
Reasons of irregular periods- There are many reasons of irregular periods: mechanical, psychological or hormonal, they must imperatively be identified to provide appropriate care for patients, but must always be interpreted in a more global context. The most common reasons of irregular bleeding in young women who have been settled for more than a year are: • The eating disorders ( bulimia , anorexia); • The excessive sport. By unnecessarily imposing dietary restrictions, women disrupt their menstrual cycle, and risk their fertility decrease. The weight, the way of eating and the food rhythms largely condition the ovarian hormonal regulations. These are the most common reasons of irregular bleeding.
Reasons for irregular periods in teenage- Reasons for irregular periods in teenage include- • Psychological causes ( depression , sleep disorders , stress ), can also disrupt the menstrual cycle. An increased phenomenon if these psychological disorders are associated with excessive consumption of coffee, tobacco or cannabis.
• Taking certain drugs: this is particularly the case for certain neuroleptics and antihistamines , which, by increasing the level of prolactin , block the onset of menstruation. Some pills and IUDs containing progestins ( Mirena , Jaydess ) also reduce menstrual flow to the point of sometimes causing amenorrhea . To know- What are the main reasons of Irregular periods, visit the best fertility clinic.
• The presence of associated symptoms allows the doctor to guide his diagnosis: Abnormally spaced periods (between 6 weeks and 2 and half months between two cycles) and excessive hair and acne should suggest micropolycystic ovary syndrome (or polycystic ovarian dystrophy). An endocrine pathology that has become very common, probably due to increased exposure to endocrine disruptors.
• Too close and hyperabundant rules, pain in the lower abdomen during or outside of the rules can signal the presence of a uterine pathology: polyp , fibroid , even cancer of the uterus. To know- What are the main reasons of Irregular periods, visit the best fertility clinic.
• Amenorrhea and secretion of milk from the mammary glands may lead to suspicion of a prolactin adenoma , a benign pituitary tumor.
• Thyroid, hypothalamus or pituitary gland dysfunction, ovarian laziness or excessive production of male hormones can also cause irregularity in the cycle. To know more about irregular menstruation, visit the best fertility clinic.
• The uncontrolled onset of periods associated with hot flashes is signs of menopause . Before the final cessation of menstruation, it can take several months or even years during which the ovaries will continue to secrete hormones, but irregularly. They then cause problems with the rules with a shortening of the cycles, or a spacing of the rules. The presence of hot flashes, even in still young women, helps to orient towards a diagnosis of peri-menopause, or even early menopause (before 40 years).
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