Normal 0 There are many unwanted skin conditions that are very widespread and included in these conditions are moles. Therefore they may view an appearance of a mole on their body as not admirable. If the mole is on their face, this may really present a problem of low esteem. Fortunately moles don't have to be permanent because moles and skin tags removals are available if you want to get rid of them. Here are some questions you may have?
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What Is A Mole?
Moles are common growths on the skin that can appear separately or grouped. Their color is usually brown or black, flat or raised from the skin and they can be benign or cancerous. Moles appear in a person’s childhood life and older. However as we age moles can and often do change in appearance. Moles are often round or oval-shaped in size but even the size can change, as we grow older.
What Causes Moles?
Moles are the results of cells called melanocytes growing in clusters instead of spreading throughout the skin. Heredity, hormonal changes and exposure to sun are other factors of mole causes. If your parents had a several moles most likely you will too. Hormonal changes can cause changes in the appearance of moles and also can cause an increase of the amount of moles. Over exposure to sunlight can cause moles also.
I have a mole on the left side of my nose. Although I think it’s cute, I don’t remember when it appeared because I don’t remember having it as a child. I believe it must have appeared during my late teens. I don’t have any desires to remove it, however if I did want to remove it I would use a natural remedy.
Can Moles be Cancerous?
Yes, moles can be cancerous. Usually they’re benign because the melanocyte cells grow normally but in certain cases the melanocyte cells may grow abnormally, which may result in melanoma, which is a cancer of the skin.
You should consult your physician if your mole starts to itch or the area begins to irritate you or changes color. You should also consult your physician if you notice a change in the size.
Can Moles Be Removed Without Surgery?
Yes, moles can be removed without surgery. You would first want to know that the mole is benign (not cancerous). You can permanently remove these moles safely, naturally and permanently at home in 3 days or less.
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