Research in genetic engineering, and cellular manipulation hold the promise for the postponement of age-related diseases and healthy longevity.
Anti-aging means slowing, preventing or reversing the aging process and since recorded history, the human race as sought after the fountain of youth. In the 21 century we have discovered that at the cellular level, reversing aging is possible. Scientists believe that random damage which occurs within cells and among cellular molecules are responsible for many age-related changes we see in our bodies. Cellular damage through free radicals, disease, genetics, etc., is what causes the aging process. Some of us may be predisposed to early aging due to genetics. However, there is overwhelming evidence that resveratrol can extend the lives of cells and repair cell damage, thus helping us live longer and feel better. Scientists have discovered Resveratrol is a naturally occurring phenol fungicide found in grapes and other plants.
In a National Institute of Aging conducted a study on caloric intake and resveratrol. The scientists compared two groups of overweight mice on a high fat diet. One group was given a high dose of resveratrol. The overweight mice receiving resveratrol were healthier and lived longer than the other overweight group. In a follow-up study, scientists found that, when started at middle age, resveratrol slowed age-related health problems in mice on a standard diet. For more information about this particular study visit
Anti-aging therapy is a recently new medical discipline which aims for the highest quality of health for people in fall and winter of their lives. Proponents of anti-aging therapy say that it is possible to slow or reverse the aging process with medical and scientific interventions. Preventive measures such as nutrition, supplements and hormonal and cell based therapies can increase longevity and living a healthy life.
We have all heard of how the people of France and Italy have low rates of heart disease and other illness but consume high fat meals. Research has concluded it is because the French and Italians consume red wine, which is made from grapes, thus they consume high levels of resveratrol that repairs and protect cells.
Scientists have concluded that there are four cellular anti-angling mechanisms that we encounter everyday, they are:
Damaging assaults to our DNA Genetic regulation - control over the balance between damage and repair of cells, including whether a cell lives or dies Mitochodria efficiency - the energy of every living cell, and how that cells energy decreases as we age Cellular damage that can compromise cell integrity and longevity
Today’s research has found that we can influence the biological mechanism of cells to repair, replace or improve the existing cell. For instance, a cell may replace itself with a weaker cell because it doesn’t have the right nutritional foods available; therefore degeneration of the cell begins. A cell can replace itself with the cell of the same strength, although this is not a degeneration of the cell it does mean that the cell remains the same and doesn’t improve. However, with right nutrition either by food or supplements, a cell can replace itself with a stronger cell, this replacement with a stronger cell is called regeneration and the essence of what cellular anti-aging is about.
For more information a revoluntiary breakthrough in cellular aging and watch the video, visit The Best Vitamin
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