Rhinoplasty - Techniques Used by Surgeons
There are a variety of advanced techniques that are used in rhinoplasty today.
Rhinoplasty surgeries first started being used in India. Years ago criminals sometimes had their noses removed as a punishment,

and this procedure was used to reconstruct the nose after this took place. Originally these surgeries were done through a small incision in the nose which was considered closed.
The closed technique of doing a rhinoplasty has the advantage of having no scarring on the outside of the nose, but the fact that the incisions are small and on the inside limits the use of this closed technique. A nose can be made larger or smaller, but that is about the extent of the closed technique's uses.
The open technique can have a more visible scar because the incision is outside of the nose between the nostrils. A benefit of this technique is that it lets the surgeon have a better idea of what the results will be from the surgery in both outward appearance and use.
It will really depend on what you need to have done whether you have the open or closed incision. Both techniques have their benefits as well as limitations. If you are mostly concerned about the scarring, remember that your surgeon's purpose in most situations is to make you look better, so they will likely have some way to help reduce scarring.
Open and closed are the two main ways to get into the nose to do the surgery, but there are many techniques available today for a variety of needs people have in the area of rhinoplasty. If you have a nose that has a larger hump on it than you would like then a doctor might use a technique called rasping to remove or reduce the hump. With this technique there is less swelling and bruising. Another technique used is called a strut. This technique will help those in need of a wider nose or more rounded tip of the nose as well as more symmetry. Plumping grafts are also used to help your nose look younger.
There are other techniques and there will surely be more through the years to improve the appearance of the nose. If you are not happy with your nose or are currently suffering from medical problems because of the anatomy of your nose, then you may want to consider a rhinoplasty.
If your decision is for cosmetic reasons alone, then you may have to pay the entire bill for yourself. If there are medical reasons, then it is possible that your insurance will cover the procedure.
If you do have to pay for the entire procedure, remember that many clinics may offer a way to finance your procedure. If your need for surgery because of cosmetic reasons outweighs your concerns about having to pay on it every month, then go forward with it. It is very likely that having this surgery could change your life in many ways for the better. As long as you do your research to find a trustworthy surgeon, you will not likely regret your decision.