RHWOOC Plastic Surgeon: Scheduling with a Celebrity
If you want to make an appointment with the RHWOOC plastic surgeon, take a number. Even without being one of the main cast members the experience of being on television and having the work displayed boosts a person to celebrity status.
After having seen the work done by the RHWOOC plastic surgeon,

you may be interested in what he can do for you. If that is the case, scheduling a consultation should be done as soon as possible to ensure a timely appointment. With celebrity comes a hectic schedule filled with all types of commitments. However, chances are the wait is worth it.
Seeing the Results
When you saw the results of the RHWOOC plastic surgeon, it's likely that you were able to get a good idea of what kind of work he can perform. Over and over the results were on television, giving you a unique perspective. If you want a similar procedure or you want to have an idea of what the process is like you have only to check out the reruns and see for yourself. Some women even claim to have been inspired to cosmetic surgery because of the procedures shown on the television program.
You can even use what you have seen as a basis for the results that you are looking for. If you liked everything about a certain procedure you can ask for something that specific. If there were things you liked and things you didn't, it gives you a place to start when describing just what it is that you are looking for. Either way, seeing the results works to your benefit.
Achieving Status
Being seen by the RHWOOC plastic surgeon can send your social status through the roof. It isn't just about seeing anyone, but about seeing a person that is well known in the field. You can say that you were seen by someone that handles these procedures for both celebrities and reality television stars. Many people will have heard the name before and associate you with that type social level.
There is something about being seen by a person with a tried and true reputation that people already know about. It can give you the confidence that you need to go ahead with the procedure and avoid putting it off any longer. When the work is complete you may even appreciate it more because of the person behind the surgery.
Plan Ahead
Once you have decided that the RHWOOC plastic surgeon is the right person for you to see, make sure to plan in advance as much as possible. Once you set a date for the consultation, you need to have some idea of what you want and the specifics surrounding it. Things may change a little after the consultation, but you want to at least have a clear idea of what you are looking for.