Medical Breast Thermography is a FDA approved (since 1982) radiation and compression free procedure that images the breasts to aid in early risk assessment for breast cancer.
"Written by Dr. Alexander Mostovoy, submitted by Dr. Cynthia Simmons"
Medical Breast Thermography is an FDA approved (since 1982) radiation and compression free procedure that images the breasts to aid in early risk assessment for breast cancer.
The procedure is based on the scientific principle that chemical and blood vessel activity in both pre-canceroustissue and the area surrounding a developing breast cancer is almost always higher than in the normal breast.
With Medical Breast Thermography, state-of-the-art infrared cameras paired with sophisticated computer software, detect, analyze and produce high-resolution images of these temperature and vascular changes. By carefully examining these changes, signs of possible cancer or pre-cancerous cell growth may be evident through early risk assessment often MANYyears prior to being discovered using any other procedure.
Thermography is used world wide in breast heath evaluation and breast cancer risk assessment! Thermography does not replace standard detection methods, but when used as a multi-modal approach (clinical examination, thermography, mammography), peer reviewed studies have shown that 95% of early stage breast cancers can be detected!*
“This technology is especially exciting for young women and those with dense or fibrocystic breasts since mammography is not usually usefull in these cases. The “wait and see” and “come back in a year” is no longer acceptable” says Mary Kubisewsky, Clinic Director of Thermography Clinic Kitchener Inc., herself a Breast Cancer Survivor. Mary Kubisewsky celebrated 5 years cancer free in November/09 and now dedicates her life to encouraging women to be proactive and take control of their health especially breast health.
Since it is estimated that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, we must use every means possible to detect cancers where there is the greatest chance for survival!
recommended that women do a baseline thermography image at age 25, and continue to monitor breast health every two years unless otherwise indicated.
Breast Thermography has been researched for over 30 years, and over 800 peer-reviewed studies exist in the index-medicus. Studies show that: An abnormal infared image is also the single most important marker of high risk for developing breast cancer and is 8 times more significant than a first order family history of the disease. A persistent abnormal thermogram carries with it a 22 x higher risk of future breast cancer.
Early detection is important, but prevention is the key!
* Amula W. A review of breast thermography. Available online: Accessed July 2, 2008.
"Written by Dr. Alexander Mostovoy, submitted by Dr. Cynthia Simmons"
10 Breast Health TIPS
Most breast cancer tumors are ESTROGEN receptor positive. About 85% of all breast cancers are Estrogen Dominant. Avoid using the birth control pill and hormone replacement therapyTen Ways to Help Prevent Breast Cancer
Natural Bio-identical hormones on the other hand are safe. They are made from botanical plants such as soy and yams. These plants are pharmaceutically processed to produce natural bio-identical progesterone or estrogen derivatives, they may come in cream or oral forms.Thermography, Mammography or Ultrasound?
Many women after their initial assessment with thermography may be asked to follow up either with an ultrasound or mammogram or both to rule out the existing pathology. Frequently some will be relieved that their mammogram or ultrasound test result show no abnormal findings, however this does not necessarily mean that nothing is going on with their breasts.