Rotator Cuff injuries occur for various reasons. If you feel you have a shoulder injury, it is strongly recommended you seek treatment as soon as possible. This article will assist you in understanding Rotator cuff injuries and how they are treated.
The shoulder is a joint that is made up of three main bones held together by a group of muscles, tendons and ligaments. The first of the bones is the upper bone of the arm is called the Humerus and the other two are the Clavicle or collarbone and the Scapula better known as the shoulder blade. The Rotator Cuff is a group of tendons and muscles in the shoulder that keeps the Humerus in the shoulder socket. The range of motion, the lifting and twisting, the shoulder allows us to have is only possible because of the Rotator Cuff. But it is also because of the range of motion it allows that injuries or disorders can occur. This is especially true in athletes or people who work in physically demanding jobs but can has been know to happen by lifting as little as a suitcase.
Rotator Cuff injuries occur for various reasons. As we get older, normal wear and tear begins to take its toll and thinning or fraying of the tendons can occur along with reduced blood supply. Overuse of the shoulder is another common reason for Rotator Cuff injuries. It is a very common injury for people who play baseball due to the strain that is placed on the shoulder to throw the ball but is not limited to throwing related sports. Swimming and tennis are also know for Rotator Cuff related disorders. Whether by normal wear and tear or overuse, the wear on the area can cause the tendon to begin to rub on the bone. This is called an impingement. The impingement irritates the tendon causing it to bleed and become inflamed. Over time, the healthy tissue once inside the Rotator Cuff is replaced by scar tissue and the area becomes stiff and much more susceptible to injury.
If you feel you have a shoulder injury, it is strongly recommended you seek treatment as soon as possible. Treatments may vary from using ice or heat to having it surgically repaired and can only be determined by a doctor.
If it is determined by your doctor that surgery is not necessary, be sure to review all treatments he feels will be best to relieve pain and gain strength without causing further damage. Whatever the treatment, it is strongly recommended you rest the shoulder and stop any activity that causes you pain. You may also take anti-inflammatory drugs such as Advil or Aleve to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Review an exercise program with your doctor when the time is right to begin strengthening the shoulder and help prevent injuries in the future.
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