Salicylates Information

Jan 26


Juliet Cohen

Juliet Cohen

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Salicylate sensitivity also known as salicylate intolerance.


Salicylates are chemicals create naturally in plants and are a large ingredient of aspirin and other pain-relieving medications. A salicylate sensitive person may have difficulty tolerating certain fruits,Salicylates Information Articles vegetables, or any products that contain aspirin. Salicylate can also be found synthetically in many medications, perfumes and preservatives. This chemical can cause health problems in anyone when consumed in large doses. But, for those who are salicylate intolerant even small doses of salicylate can cause reactions.This reaction is different than a true allergy as it is a pharmacological reaction (like the side effects of a drug) and not an immunological reaction. People with salicylate sensitivity are unable to handle more than a certain amount of salicylates.

Some people have a low level of grit to salicylates and may have reactions if more than a small amount is consumed at one time. Salicylate sensitivity is more likely to occur in people who have moderate to severe asthma or chronic rhinosinusitis. The problem becomes more common as people age and as their asthma gets worse. In severe cases, salicylate sensitivity can lead to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction involving a severe drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and organ system failure. Avoidance is the best technique for preventing symptoms related to salicylate sensitivity. Completely eliminating salicylate from one’s diet and environment for 4 to 6 weeks can decrease or possibly eliminate all symptoms involved with salicylate intolerance.

In rare cases, sensitivity to salicylate can cause symptoms of anaphylactic shock. Corticosteroids are often used to treat skin reactions, and antihistamines and decongestants may be used for nasal symptoms. Bronchodilators are often prescribed to open closed airways. Atrovent nasal spray can help with certain allergy symptoms. Steroid nasal sprays are one of the strongest allergy medications. It is probably best-known as an ingredient used in aspirin. Other herbal supplements proving helpful, include freeze-dried nettles and a tonic made from the herb goldenseal recommends adding to still one more natural treatment -- a saline (salt water) nasal spray. In addition to herbs, many naturopathic doctors also believe certain nutrients can be helpful in quieting seasonal symptoms.

Salicylates Treatment and Preventin Tips

1. Corticosteroids are often used to treat skin reactions.

2. Antihistamines and decongestants may be used for nasal symptoms.

3. Atrovent nasal spray can help with certain allergy symptoms.

4. Steroid nasal sprays are one of the strongest allergy medications.

5. Using nature-based products can be a very useful way to handle mild allergies.

6. Avoid giving aspirin and any other medication derived from salicylic acid to a child or teenager.

7. Other herbal supplements such as freeze-dried nettles and a tonic made from the herb goldenseal is helpful against salicylates.