Salvia Divinorum First Time Usage Precautions
It is important before using any psychoactive for the first time to familiarize yourself with the potential risks and medical contraindications that could affect you by its consumption. Once you’ve made the decision to try Salvia divinorum, you should keep the following in mind.
Have a sitter while you take Salvia:Have a non-inebriated “sitter” present for the duration of the herb’s effects. When under the influence of Salvia,

people have been known to walk around completely unaware of their surroundings and will often have a blank look in their eyes, as if sleepwalking. It could be possible for someone in this state to walk into traffic, off a ledge, etc. Some have reported individuals stumbling about, knocking over objects, breaking glass items and the like. A friend who is not inebriated and preferably familiar with the effects of Salvia can act as a “sitter” to protect you while you are in a Salvia Divinorum “trance.” Some trances are mild and can be broken by a noise or turning on lights and opening your eyes. Oftentimes, the trance will come back if you return to quiet darkness. While it is important to have a “sitter” with you each time you indulge in the use of Salvia, it is particularly so when you “trip” for the first time when you are not yet used to its effects. Buy From only Legitimate Online Sellers:Salvia Divinorum is extremely sensitive to the body and can cause adverse effects some times, don’t worry It wont happen if you prefer buying salvia divinorum extracts only from legitimate online sellers who are transparent in explaining their production quality, I have found such sellers like Fresh Salvia ( , potent salvia (, salvanoid etc. You can buy from any of the above one without hesitation. A “sitter” should always keep in mind that even if the person who has used the Salvia is “freaking out,” the condition does not last long and it’s best to stay as calm as he or she can, using non-verbal reassurance to keep them from leaving a defined “safe” area. The situation should improve within 10 to 60 minutes. It would be best if the “sitter” would first read about the effects of Salvia so that he or she will be prepared ahead of time for what can happen.Creating a safe space to experience the effects of Salvia that has been stripped of dangerous objects and surveyed for potential accidents is also quite helpful during your initial voyages. Those experienced in using Salvia divinorum suggest that the best way to use the herb is lying comfortably in a bed in a dimly lit room. They recommend you not smoke it while standing, make sure items like guns, knives, fire (matches, lighters, candles), and glass are not anywhere nearby, and unplug or turn off your phone to keep from being disturbed.Plan your time by thinking carefully about any upcoming obligations to anyone will occur and choosing carefully a time during which you will not need to drive or participate in any activities for which you would need to be sober. An experienced user is likely to plan an entire day for using powerful entheogens so they won’t need to worry about when or how long they will be intoxicated. You should never operate a car or heavy machinery until the effect of the Salvia has completely worn off.You should also think carefully about the medications and supplements you take that may cross-react with Salvia as mixing ingestions can lead to unexpected, unpleasant or dangerous results.