This article aims to clarify the recommended portion sizes in the Scarsdale diet by food group, providing an easy method to measure them without the need for a measuring utensil.
The primary component of the carbohydrate group in the Scarsdale diet is protein bread. A serving is defined as one thin slice, with the aim to consume a protein bread that contains more than 4 grams of protein and less than 12 grams of carbohydrates. There are no other portion sizes in the carbohydrate food group that need to be measured.
The meat food group is a significant part of the Scarsdale diet, given its high protein content. A good rule of thumb for measuring portion sizes in this group is to have a serving of meat about the size of your palm. This should provide the required portion size for the meat food group.
The vegetable food group is another major part of the Scarsdale diet. Vegetables provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals without a high calorie count. However, corn, potatoes, peas, and beans are not allowed. Other vegetables like green beans, carrots, and mushrooms have a portion size of about what will fit in one cupped hand. Leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, and cabbage are two cupped hands. If you have a large appetite, the vegetable category is low calorie, so these are the portion sizes you want to increase to feel full with fewer calories. The portion sizes for fruit are always ½ a grapefruit and a medium fruit about the size of your fist for all others. If the fruit is cut up, generally what will fit in your cupped hand will give you the correct portion size.
Fats such as butter, margarine, and mayonnaise are not allowed on the diet, so there's no need to worry about portion sizes for this group!
Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any diet regimen. This guide should help clear up any confusion about Scarsdale diet portion sizes. Following these guidelines should keep you within the desired 850-1000 calories per day for optimal weight loss.
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