Bringing Hydrotherapy Home with Takagi Ofuro Small Bathtubs
Article examining the benefits of hydrotherapy in Takagi bathtubs on overall health.
Eastern cultures have long understood the medicine behind hydrotherapy (water therapy). They also recognize the effects of stress on the body and how hydrotherapy serves as a relaxation and healing technique. Here we will examine the science behind water,

it’s affects on the body and how Takagi Ofuro bathtubs can let you get the benefits of hydrotherapy at home.Takagi Japanses bath tubs are compact bathtubs that you sit in, submersing yourself to the neck. Takagi deep bathtubs have a seat with a back rest for relaxation and soaking. The unique design of Takagi Ofuro bathtubs let you install a Takagi deep bathtub in even the smallest bathroom space. Takagi deep bathtubs only require the space used by a moderate size linen closet.The medical benefits of Takagi Ofuro bathtubs are many. Many of the body systems are benefited by the hydrotherapy Takagi deep bathtubs provide. Since these body systems all function together as a one; improve one or all of them and you achieve better overall health. Body systems that are improved with hydrotherapy in Takagi Ofuro bathtubs include:Musculoskeletal SystemComposed of your bones, muscles and connective tissue that holds them together, this system is greatly influential on our entire body. Tension in your muscles is a major source of pain such as headaches and back pain. Hydrotherapy from Takagi small soaking bath tubs may help eliminate this tension and reduce pain levels. Arthritis sufferers report reduced pain levels after soaking in a Takagi Ofuro bathtub.Circulatory SystemMade of all the vessels and components that supply your entire body with oxygen rich blood and remove toxins and waste from the body; improving circulation is associated with better brain function, increased healing, reduced inflammation and better mobility. Time spent in Takagi deep bathtubs can help promote healthy circulation.Cardiovascular SystemThe heart and the blood vessels that supply have system all their own, although they are part of the circulatory system. The benefits of improved circulation may benefit the heart and brain by reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Central Nervous System-The central nervous system is a complex network of the brain, the spinal cord, nerves, and nerve receptors. Water stimulation over the skin can have a numbing effect on pain nerve receptors. Endorphins are increased by pleasurable experiences. These endorphins are your body’s own natural pain reliever. Research conducted on the impact increased endorphin levels have on pain relief have shown the benefits of hydrotherapy on pain reduction. If you are a chronic pain sufferer, Takagi Ofuro Bathtubs may be helpful to you.Endocrine SystemIncreased stress level cause the body to release hormones in response to protect itself. These hormones can put the body on high alert all the time (flight or fight mode). This may cause serious health problems, even death. Hydrotherapy is a proven method of relaxation to reduce stress levels and the hormones associated with it. Takagi Ofuro bathtubs put relaxing water therapy massage as close as your bathroom. Takagi Ofuro bathtubs and Takagi bath tub refinishing products are available with an added whirlpool feature to enhance the hydrotherapy benefits. While it will not replace regular medical care; this additional cost can well be worth the investment. You can reap all the benefits of hydrotherapy at home with Takagi deep bathtubs.