Scope of Family Services Organizations
This article is about family services and the scope of their responsibility towards people. It explains what they can and cannot do.
Family services and that of children's welfare is a part of the government's effort to help people who might have need for the different options that the agency has to offer. Individuals who are candidates for help come from different situations and usually have little or no choice with regards to what they will do next. There are different factors that will activate the mandate of the government agency to move and take control of a situation. Factors These factors include,

but are not limited to, domestic violence, abuse, neglect and violent behavior from other family members. Domestic violence is something that usually happens in the home. Children and spouses are the usual victims of such abhorrent behavior from individuals who wish to control and violate them. Abuse is a very broad form of violation, which is usually aimed at a weaker individual and can range from physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Those who suffer from this kind of violence are usually terrified of their oppressors and have difficulty voicing out their need for help. Neglect is a form of abuse that usually stems from adults towards children and animals. Negative behavior in members of the household often escalates to violence if this is not checked and supervised. In many instances, it is difficult to spot the negative behavior because it is localized inside the home and there is a fear of letting out this terrible secret. Family services from the different agencies that offer these are usually aimed at protecting the victims from further victimization as well as in supporting and preserving the family unit. Teachers, neighbors and relatives who may have noticed something wrong with the family unit often alert officers of the agencies, who offer the help that many victims need, to a situation. It is important to investigate the situation properly and correctly assess it in order to bring perpetrators to remove the victim from the negative situation as well as to prevent the separation of a unit due to a mistaken assessment. The family services officers who investigate the cases brought to them need to be certain that there is a form of violence, abuse or neglect going on regularly in order to take action. The wrong assessment can wreck a home, therefore there has to be evidence of the abuse, neglect or violation in order to take action. The statements of neighbors, family and friends of the unit can be vital in establishing this. The condition of the victim, child or adult can also be the basis for the assessment. Officers need to bear in mind, though, that some children and adults may have broken their bones or sustained injuries from perfectly natural occurrences instead of abuse or violence. Brittle bones syndrome can be misleading when it comes to broken bones and other injuries. Family services cannot take away children without due cause which is immediately apparent. Testimony from the abused or neglected child or adult can be vital for this. It is important to hear both sides of the story before any assessment.