Though most Companies boast of worldwide online presence with the internet
most communications between the consumer and the service providers are established through telephonic conversations – be it general enquiries, order placements or complaints as most customers still prefer one on one conversations over a telephone.
Thus, even though there is extensive web enablement of customer care services, telephonic help-lines have survived.
Telephone help-lines are a very essential factor in the case of healthcare products, as one should not take health related issues lightly. In addition to medical advice, having knowledge about a healthcare product is essential and one way of gaining this knowledge is talking to a Customer Care Executive, who can brief you with not only the nature of the product, but also the pros and cons of consuming it. Although such a conversation does not replace the need for medical advice, it does help you get a good know-how of the product and the satisfaction of knowing about what you are consuming!
The SevenSeas Seacod CustomerCare is one such service provided by Universal Medicare, one of the pioneers in the Indian market for Neutraceutical Manufacture & Marketing. Their Customer Care Team consists of professionals who are well-trained and well-versed with the subject and who are all ears to the customers’ queries. They provide excellent guidance to their customers who are either already consuming or wish to consume the capsules.
Be it providing basic information like the benefits, side effects and the dosage of the capsules for different age groups or answers to consumption of the capsules under various health conditions, Sevenseas Seacod CustomerCare ensures that a customer gets a satisfactory response to all his/her queries.
Undoubtedly, the Seacod CustomerCare Help-line is approachable and very helpful!
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