Search For A Gynecology Specialist With A Few Important Characteristics
Before you choose a new gynecology office, you should take the time to research a bit. Make sure you are comfortable with the doctor, and can also deal with the practical details.
If you are looking for a new gynecologist,

there are a few details to look for before choosing a physician. Since most women dread seeing this kind of practitioner, you might as well pick the best one to try to have as good an appointment as possible. Learn some ways to choose an ideal doctor of this type.
The first thing to find out is what services the doctor of gynecology offers. Most offer prescriptions for birth control, as well as advice on how to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. They also usually provide annual exams, such as Pap smears and breast exams, so be sure the physician you choose has plenty of experience offering these services. However, some also offer prenatal care, which means they can care for you and deliver the baby if you decide to get pregnant. This is an obstetrician and gynecologist in one, so look for this distinction before you choose. If you plan to have a baby soon, it may be best to find this type of practitioner so you do not have to change once you get used to one in particular.
Another thing to think about is the convenience of your specialist. For example, make sure he or she accepts your insurance since most services are covered. You do not want to have to pay out of pocket for something that should be free or very cheap, simply because you did not make sure that the office takes your insurance. Just in case, you may want to find out the prices so you can make sure you will not be over charged at the office you choose, as you may have to eventually pay for certain procedures that are not covered by insurance. It is nice to be prepared in case this occurs.
Finally, you need to schedule a consultation with the gynecology specialist before you pick one. Many women have trouble finding a doctor of this type since they have to feel comfortable. You cannot decide that a practitioner is good for you simply by looking at a website. He or she may have great skills and lots of good reviews, but if you do not feel comfortable or do not connect in-person, you will have trouble letting down your guard as is necessary during appointments. You will probably find someone after one or two consultations with a few doctors, but it may also take several appointments until you can carefully select an office. Either way, you have to go with your gut feeling before making this decision.
Looking for a new gynecology office is not usually fun, but it has to be done to ensure you get the care you need. Take the time to do some research before you choose. This may mean starting your search several weeks before you need an annual exam or birth control prescription, so be prepared to plan ahead. The result is that you should end up quite happy with the person you choose for your care.